I have to report to you that the information with regard to the emulator of rlyehwas not completely correct. Rlyeh really this being employed at the sound and at the speed, and one works with a private thread, but charm that the above mentioned serious thread publishes in two days. This information is not correct, and due to an evil understood by my report sends the information erroneously. The emulator advances, but Idont know at the moment in whien the emu will be public, since it is a decision of his programmer, and I suppose that de will be the one that should report of it, or ig that a way,gp32spain. I ask for comprehension for my mistake and you forgive all those who did you deceive in the matter. V_V Im really sorry.
i will try to be more detalled about the info that i writte.
i will try to be more detalled about the info that i writte.