Few Questions Before I Buy One.


Still Fresh
Oct 11, 2005
1. What all am I going to have to buy once I get the gp2x. I know I'll need a sd card and rechargeable batteries but is that it?
2. Do most sd cards work with the gp2x? For example this is what I'm wanting to buy.
3. Is there any problems with freezing or anything with it? I'm talking about major ones not just minor freezes every so often.
4. For the last question. Is the majority of emulators full speed with popular games. My two favorite emulators are mame and snes. I was wondering are games like zelda for the snes and popular fighting games for mame compatible.

1. Ditto
2. Ditto
3. If it freezes / shows visual garbage / show psychedelic colors, the batteries are low. Swap in a fresh pair and recharge the current pair.
4. Full speed @ 250MHz w/ Mame, 45-60fps @ 250MHz w/ SNES. Both emulators feature overclocking for individual games and as a global default.

One additional note. It is frequent save state / load state and overclocking that tend to diminish battery life quickly. Consider getting the GP2X carrying case and keeping a fresh pair in the inside webbing. Also, you will want a screen protector.
vaustein posted on Dec 6 2006 at 07:52 PM said:
One additional note. It is frequent save state / load state and overclocking that tend to diminish battery life quickly. Consider getting the GP2X carrying case and keeping a fresh pair in the inside webbing. Also, you will want a screen protector.
I thought the mk2 version came with a screen protector already attached?
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Dismember posted on Dec 6 2006 at 07:59 PM said:
vaustein posted on Dec 6 2006 at 07:52 PM said:
One additional note. It is frequent save state / load state and overclocking that tend to diminish battery life quickly. Consider getting the GP2X carrying case and keeping a fresh pair in the inside webbing. Also, you will want a screen protector.
I thought the mk2 version came with a screen protector already attached?

He means a screen protector protector. :P

If you take care of your stuff, one isn't needed.
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And if you keep extra batteries and headphones in the carrying case along with the MK2, and get fingerprints on the face, and stick it in your pocket during a workout, you will want to replace the screen protector within six months.

I'm talking from experience, so don't question me on this :P

Hey, I've been promoted from GP32 User to GP32 Hardcore B)

Do I hear AMEN!
vaustein posted on Dec 6 2006 at 08:29 PM said:
And if you keep extra batteries and headphones in the carrying case along with the MK2, and get fingerprints on the face, and stick it in your pocket during a workout, you will want to replace the screen protector within six months.

I'm talking from experience, so don't question me on this :P

Hey, I've been promoted from GP32 User to GP32 Hardcore B)

Do I hear AMEN!


If by "the carrying case" you mean the official GP2X one, then yeah, you're just asking for trouble ... but I use an old GBA case, wrapped in a microfiber cloth. I.E. I take good care of my baby and have not a single blemish on my faceplate :)
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I might have to look into to getting another one just for security of my screen not getting messed up.

Also can you guys recommend me any good rechargeable battery packs to buy. Do all batteries withstand the same battery life or are some better than others in the system?

I'm actually thinking about just using my old ds case that I have. If the gp2x is about the same size then hopefully it will work ok.
Dismember posted on Dec 6 2006 at 08:35 PM said:
I might have to look into to getting another one just for security of my screen not getting messed up.

Also can you guys recommend me any good rechargeable battery packs to buy. Do all batteries withstand the same battery life or are some better than others in the system?

I'm actually thinking about just using my old ds case that I have. If the gp2x is about the same size then hopefully it will work ok.

Get energizer 2500's ... very cheap and last at least 4 hours (sometimes 6, depending on what you're running)

Good call on the DS case; anything but that crap official one :P
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If you are concearned about screen scratching, you can buy replacement plastic screen covers. And I'm not talking about screen protector-protectors, I mean the plastic that covers the LCD. The only place that I know sells them is GP2X Store, they're about $6-7. But if you really care alot about THAT not getting scratched, I reccomend Invisibleshield screen protectors, they are a little high, but they are made of the same material made to protect military helicopter blades and are pretty much unscratchable, I have one for my iPod.

Also, I kinda wish there was a sticky "Official "Couple questions before I get mine" thread.
vaustein posted on Dec 6 2006 at 05:29 PM said:
And if you keep extra batteries and headphones in the carrying case along with the MK2, and get fingerprints on the face, and stick it in your pocket during a workout, you will want to replace the screen protector within six months.

I'm talking from experience, so don't question me on this :P

Hey, I've been promoted from GP32 User to GP32 Hardcore B)

Do I hear AMEN!
how do you up ur status?
p.s. AMEN
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I got the Sony 2500's with the 15 minute charger from newegg. I love um. They really charge in like 17 minutes and are ready to go in my gp2x. They last about 5-6 hours average. Only 30 bucks. :D
Do your firmware applications hang all the time?
Mine hangs all the time...
I mean, any emulator besides Squidgesnes when in menu (still it just segfaults, so using a wrapper solves the problem) don't hang at all
But when I try to use built in video player I can count minutes in a single hand before it stop working (usually it's before I count 1 min)

Then, now, dunno why, music player crashes the console too, but gmu works fines for hours and hours <o>

Mame works near fullspeed overclocked high to play CPS-1 games, which (AFAIK) are the thoughest games it'll allow you to play, so the vast majority of other (older) games shall play fullspeed
UniRoss 2700mAh with a 1 hour charger tend to last me around 5 hours for video, and between 7 and 9 hours when gaming, depending on the overclock (I last night played Foehammer's Ur-Quan Masters port for 8 hours straight! @ 240MHZ)

I'm happy with my GP2X, and I don't want to come across like a fan boy or nothing, because I know it also has its faults, but it does what I wanted it to do. It is basically a full hand-held computer once you attach a breakout box (I cannot wait for the retail version ;) ), but if you want to play the latest (and done to death) games, you would be better with a PSP, if you want to have a cheap multimedia device, that can also - pretty much flawlessly - emulate older machines, and act like a PDA, and also have a mostly great community behind it for homebrew and ported applications, then the GP2X is for you!

The fact that you know what it is says something though, most the people I show mine to ask me if its a modded psp >.<.
Lint: sounds like a firmware upgrade may have gone wrong? What firmware are you using? Try going back or forward one version (i.e. 2.1.1 back to 2.1.0) and see if that helps.

Also, there are better third party apps for music, video and eBooks...
Dismember posted on Dec 7 2006 at 01:35 AM said:
Also can you guys recommend me any good rechargeable battery packs to buy. Do all batteries withstand the same battery life or are some better than others in the system?

Not tried many, but my Fujicell 2700NiMH are doing just fine at the moment. Shop around on ebay for some very cheap suppliers. If you're serious about battery performance, the charger seems to matter as much as the battery. If you can get a V-Delta controlled charger it'll keep you NiMH batteries in top shape. I think Maplin do a couple.
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