Fear To Take Gp2x


Dec 3, 2005
:) for first at great bye at alls, i'm new, a lot of days wich read the site and the forum, i want take me a gp2x, but i see too much problems, FIRMWARE, BATTERIES, BUGS.
I think wich is absurd and stupid put a console full of problems in market and sell it :angry: the company political is very rubbish, the idea is great, but thinked a normal people wich want buy.
Is serious?
Dont' think.
I have preorder gp2x but if think wich
1) no alimentator incluse (you buy)
2) the stupid batteries problem to search thats right :blink:
3) the sistem for recharge them (you buy)
4) the interrogation on the sd card and to hope wich work well

Was better wait, a lot of months, but present a product PERFECT!!!!!
Not is asmissible this, GAME PARK more serius please.

I'm italian, a rapid calcul

199.00 euro GP2X (in italy)
25.00 euro the sistem for charge the batteries
10.00 euro for an alimentator
70.00 euro for a SD CARD by a 1 giga (hope wich work)

I first have speak to many people of this fantastic sistem, but with all rhis problems is difficult sell, GAME PARK, awake.

Ops put also a card reader why usb cable on windows xp don't work.

The firmware works on firmware!!!!!!!!!
I fully understand you, i had the same fear sometimes, but i ordered anyways...
i don't have that fear anymore, as most problems are fixable, the harder-to-fix-problems are rare and you can allways send the unit back in...

you must realise that this system offers more then other handheld media players, depending on what you need, it can offer even more as e.g. the PSP

you must also realise that people talk when things go bad more often then when everything is ok, so the ones complaining have a broken unit, teh ones with a 'perfect' one won't say this much...

btw, no offence :P but i hope you used a translator of some kind :)

you should by the gp2x when you really want it, if you have doubts, you can buy it later, when there are fewer problems probably.

EDIT: alimentator, comes from 'giving food', feeder, -> power supply (good that i know a bit french)
as far as I can gather the GPx2 isn't officialy out until January, so problems can be expected. personally I'd get one now if I could. In fact I was all geared up to order one a week or so ago until I found out how much the missus had spent on christmas pressies lol
I ordered one, not knowing what to expect..its been a couple days amd Im fin with it.

If you order by now you'll probably have the firmware already updated!
<_< I don't speak very well the english.
Thank you who have answer serious, others don't take for the bottom please.
I m sorry for me english but see also people stupids is this your comunity?
I hope of no.
its all overblown .. for all the 'problems' people have, it speaks more of high expectations rather than actual, real, problems. all 'issues' so far have been firmware-related: not just fixable in firmware, but confirmed as problems _with_ the firmware.

if you want to have fun and spend EU160, get a GP2X (or go to Amsterdam for a weekend). you can do it now, and have lots of fun.. for the next 6 months (unlike Amsterdam).

if you think its not worth it, don't do it. but if you think it 'might' be, then just do it: there are plenty of great games for the gp2x, don't forget that it is a games machine, and plays many, many, many games (uncountable!)...

the bugs will be fixed. sure, there'll be another 'next generation' version in 3 months or so .. but then, there always will be. the gp2x is, right now, a fuck of a lot of fun ..
DARKGATE posted on Dec 3 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
:)  for first at great bye at alls, i'm new, a lot of days  wich read the site and the forum,  i want take me a gp2x, but i see too much problems, FIRMWARE, BATTERIES, BUGS.

If you worry about bugs and hardware just wait a couple of months. Most or all will be fixed by then. Most of the emulators and games are beta anyway now and aren't finished either. By then many of those will be better optimised too.
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