I think wich is absurd and stupid put a console full of problems in market and sell it :angry: the company political is very rubbish, the idea is great, but thinked a normal people wich want buy.
Is serious?
Dont' think.
I have preorder gp2x but if think wich
1) no alimentator incluse (you buy)
2) the stupid batteries problem to search thats right :blink:
3) the sistem for recharge them (you buy)
4) the interrogation on the sd card and to hope wich work well
Was better wait, a lot of months, but present a product PERFECT!!!!!
Not is asmissible this, GAME PARK more serius please.
I'm italian, a rapid calcul
199.00 euro GP2X (in italy)
25.00 euro the sistem for charge the batteries
10.00 euro for an alimentator
70.00 euro for a SD CARD by a 1 giga (hope wich work)
I first have speak to many people of this fantastic sistem, but with all rhis problems is difficult sell, GAME PARK, awake.
Ops put also a card reader why usb cable on windows xp don't work.
The firmware works on firmware!!!!!!!!!