Favourite Video Game

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I think i am about one of the biggest gamers out there.I play games for almost every system i can think of. Hard to believe, but i have a working Atari 2600, Sega Power System, NES, Coleco Vision, I dunno, i have so many old systems. Here are my favourite games of all Diablo/hellfire,Abe's Exoddus,Mech Warrior 4 (PC).
That's like picking between kids... I really loved Pikmin when I tried it out at a relatives house, so when I obtain a Wii that'll probably be my first purchase for it :D
Age of Empires 2 I also love, along with some others... IDK, you'd have to see my Raptr page.

I like any game by Jason Rohrer. If it's not art, it's not worth playing.
I think Mechwarrior 3 was better than the 4th Part.

Favorite console? Dreamcast! Or rather the x86 PC if that counts.
Favorite game? Uhhh... i don't really know, but probably Warcraft 3, Gothic, Archimedean Dynasty or Chrono Trigger.
Thief II: The metal age.

A game that still growing after 10 years of its release.
indiana jones and the fate of atlantis...
more recently prob halo 3
WizardStan said:
quote said:
You're a little biased though :P
If it's opinion, then of course I'm biased. He asked for our favourite game :/.

But yah, I do like a bit of Cave Story.
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If I had the option to either:

1) Allow the universe to be temporally altered in such a way that the I never existed
2) Allow the universe to be temporally altered in such a way that the game Mario 64 never existed

I would choose to un-exist.
quote said:
If it's opinion, then of course I'm biased. He asked for our favourite game :/.
I meant you were biased because of your user name. It'd be like me saying "Wizard Stan's Awesome Adventure is my favourite game" :P
It's a joke.
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