Favourite Snk Fighter Out Of Allllll Of Them


Gamera, King of Monsters
Apr 10, 2004
Manchester England
Completely original topic. Not stolen and slightly rearranged in any way, shape or form. :rolleyes:

We all know SNK make the better fighters, so which did you like the best and why?

Personally I'd have to go with KoF 98. I understand it's an obvious choice but really, it is a fantastic game. KoF 99 might have better graphics and KoF 96/97 the better story, but KoF 98 is just pure fighting heaven. At first I wasn't taken, but after a while of playing the depth of this game really hit me. It's just a perfectly blanced experience with a pin-sharp control system and a fantastic character roster. If I had any complaints it would be the relatively bland presentation and weak AI, but other than that I'd deem KoF 98 as near to perfect as you could wish for.

Runner-up: Last Blade. Close call. Still the best weapons-based fighter ever. Read my review... :ph34r:
<_< :angry:

SN Who?

SNK only had good fighters when their characters started showing up in Capcom games :P

No okay really Samurai Showdown was always a fave for me as well as copycat (and probably better) Last Blade... among a few other fighters but King of Fighters/Art of Fighting/Fatal Fury universally SUCKED BALLLZZZZZZZZZZZZ with lots of extra Z's!
Fatal Fury didn't reach its stride until the Real Bout series...the earlier games are relatively innovative but really don't play great. Never did like the Art of Fighting series myself, although it has its fans. IMO SNK only really begin to overtake Capcom around 1996 when Capcom decided to drop gameplay in favour of gimmicks with the Vs series.
Capcom around 1996 when Capcom decided to drop gameplay in favour of gimmicks with the Vs series.

which is when I got into video games and why I generally like most SNK fighters over Capcom ones...
I always considered KOF an extension of FF anyway, mostly because i always play as I always played as Italy (although in later games i left out joe in favour of Rio

and i know it wasn't made by SNK, but Matrimelee is my favourite NEOGEO game ever, although it's so hard to comeby in arcades and no-ones knows what it is i normally just go with KOF '98 or Samurai Shodown 2

I also had some strange attraction to Riding Hero, it was one of the carts i had for my AES and in my opinion it is better than Hang-On
prolly last blade 2. SamSho2 is next along with KOF 99
snk vs capcomchaos is a good title also :D

i prefer street fighter over KOF, though ;)

and huxley, post that pic of your arcade cab!

yep, capcom went too far with the vs games. cvs1/2 were great, though. too bad the next capcom game will most likely be another vs title, heh

double edit:
will have to check out this riding-hero
and huxley, post that pic of your arcade cab!

Ignore the Xmas decorations...this was taken a couple of years ago :P

I also had some strange attraction to Riding Hero, it was one of the carts i had for my AES and in my opinion it is better than Hang-On

Riding Hero is generally considered pretty cack but everyone I know who owns a copy sorta likes it. Odd. I even met one guy so obsessed with the game he spent $$$ on a prototype version. It's virtually no different to the final game...it's just a 'one of a kind' cart :blink:
lucky! i would love to have one of those in the basement!
aaah, all this snk stuff. i'll have to play some KOF on the old xbrick tonight!

oh yeah, nice figures you got on top ;)
Wow a totally original post :D Hm I thought I might have mentioned this somewhere else :P but my favourite is KOF 97. VS series were good till they got to Marvel vs capcom, than its just got lame.
Huxley posted on Apr 7 2005 at 02:22 AM said:
Runner-up: Last Blade. Close call. Still the best weapons-based fighter ever. Read my review... :ph34r:

No way, soul calibur on dreamcast is the best weapon fighter bar none and will never be topped :ph34r:
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Sorry, played last blade 1 and 2 and soul calibur for dreamcast, loved them all, but I have to give the "most awesome" reward to last blade 2.
Agreed... I never found Soul Calibur to be so *GREAT*... it had some good ideas and was easy enough to get into (while hard to master) but just felt too 'flat'... I mean for all the strategy they give you with totally free roaming, they should have made the arena's more interesting. I really loved games like Virtua Fighter 3 (on DC), Destrega and Bushido Blade 1 and 2 for PSX, with their more realisting environments with obstacles and different levels to fight on... really felt like a real world that you were fighting in.

Last Blade beats out Soul Calibur in the pure style department, at least for anyone who's into Japanese or Samurai culture.... I dont know what other way to put it except to say it's a very stylish game... anyways it's hard to compare the two as we're talking 2d vs 3d fighting and they're really very different even if they are both based on weapons.

It's really funny about Last Blade... it always got pretty bad reviews yet most everyone who played it loved it.... I almost skipped that game because of the reviews but glad I didn't.

And by the way, I happen to LIKE the so called 'gimmicks' in the versus series of Capcom games... tagging out for different characters was a great mechanic to really change up the dated Street Fighter formula.
it's not the VS formula, it's that there were too many.
i mean, what's next? snkvscapcomVScapcomvssnkSUPER

old joke, i know :D

aaah, i love the old vs games XD
btw, the dated sf formula was changed up in street fighter 3 also. that's why cvs2 was so great, cuz there were so many possibilities. parrying and all that, y'know
yeah they did overdo it a bit... but the culminations of each series (Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK 2, SNK vs. Capcom Chaos) were worth wading thru the earlier ones and are all three really great games IMO.

Hell, Capcom and SNK are both terribly guilty of overdoing their respective franchises to death... lets be fair. How many Street Figthers, KoF's, Darkstalkers, AoF's, Fatal Fury's, Vs. games, Alpha's, etc.... are there??? They've ALL been overdone.
King of the Monsters!! good fun

Seriously though, my fav SNK fighter is Samurai Showdown followed by SNK vs Capcom MOTM for Neo geo pocket.
bast525 posted on Apr 7 2005 at 05:56 PM said:
Hell, Capcom and SNK are both terribly guilty of overdoing their respective franchises to death... lets be fair. How many Street Figthers, KoF's, Darkstalkers, AoF's, Fatal Fury's, Vs. games, Alpha's, etc.... are there??? They've ALL been overdone.

yeah, you're right. they shouldn't have recycled the old sprites so many times for one thing, and snk/capcom should've been more innovative with each new game release.
anyway, the new 2d fighters should bring a breath of fresh air, right?

by the way, i personally can't wait for more 2d fighters from capcom for psp. sf3 for psp would rock the house, even though i hate 2d fighters with the d-pad haha.
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for those of you wondering SNKPlaymore are relaasing Last Blade 1 & 2 for PS2

also, has anyone played KOF:MI, if so is it worth buying?

and i completely forgot about Rage of the Dragons, which is a very neat little game
My 3 favourite SNK fighters are King Of Fighters 98, Last Blade 2 and Samurai Showdown 4. I can't decide between any of them, they're all different enough to have me hooked on all 3 for the past 5 or so years.

I also play emulators on my Xbox, so I have all of them, YAY!

I also happen to like the Vs games, but Marvel Vs Capcom (1) was a dissappointment, as was Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter, but Marvel Vs Capcom 2 is still one of the best fighting games ever.


KickinWing posted on Apr 7 2005 at 06:16 PM said:
followed by SNK vs Capcom MOTM for Neo geo pocket.

Now that's an excellent little fighter. Easily the equal of many 'regular' games and probably my favourite in the Vs series.

also, has anyone played KOF:MI, if so is it worth buying?

No idea, but if you buy a copy ask for a promo Terry cap :D
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