Gp32 Vs. Gp2x

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Which is better (in terms of video game emulation) :huh: - The GP32 or the GP2x. I know that the GP2x can emulate NeoGeo (thats a plus) but which one also emulates SNES the best (even though they both suck ass) (the GP2x has more buttons to play a SNES game too so that's thats also a plus)? & my last question is which one can emulate MAME the best (I know that the gp32 doesn't have the "horsepower" to emulate MAME games from 1990+ but can the GP2x do this too?) (and once again, the gp2x has more buttons, so that's another plus!)? I'm pretty sure that if it can play "KOF freakin '98 ( :lol: )" that it can emulate MAME games that were developed after 1990. Sorry if this is confusing! THX! :D
Hello again!

Basically the GP2X is better for MAME and SNES emulation. It is generally as good or better than the GP32 for everything. The GP32 has been around a lot longer so many GP32 emus are more refined (better menus, options etc) but actual emulation is better or just as good as the GP32 on the GP2X (especially for anyting after the 8-bit consoles).

I would say that Sega Master System, NES and Amstrad CPC are the only areas where GP32 emulation are better. Mega Drive, Gameboy, C64, ZX Spectrum are about the same between the systems. Other machines and MAME are better emulated on the GP2X (although there are some machines that the GP32 emulates that are not yet available on GP2X).
Thx! I owe u man for your loyal replies in all of my posts! :wub: :lol: (jk about :wub:!!!)
There are considerations other than machine specifications.

IMHO, the GP32 has a *much* better joystick. You can't really underestimate this until you've tried playing a game with a bad controller. Sure the GP2X may provide pretty and fast moving graphics and sounds better, but there's not much point if you can't enjoy playing the game!

Don't get me wrong, the GP2X controller is okay, but out of all the handhelds I own (and I've got almost all of them), I'm afraid to say it's the 2nd worst. Only the Palm T3 is worse because it was never really designed to be a gaming device.

The screen is also slightly annoying, it visibly flickers and reminds me of a TV drawing the screen in some sort of interlace mode. Compared to a GP32 BLU (which is not as bright) but at least stable. The GP32 FLU is okay, though the BLU is considerably better.

- Slaanesh
The opinion varies from person to person.
I use DaveC's cap and also LCD Tweaker and have no problems with flicker or scanlines or control. I managed to complete Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean machine on it as a testament of DaveC's cap.
yaustar posted on Mar 27 2006 at 09:44 PM said:
The opinion varies from person to person.
I use DaveC's cap and also LCD Tweaker and have no problems with flicker or scanlines or control. I managed to complete Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean machine on it as a testament of DaveC's cap.
How'd you beat Arms? ;)

- Alex
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