Favorite podcasts


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010
There are lots of great podcasts to download with various topics.

The topics I like are Linux, Science, Technology but I am open for other topics as well as long is the podcast is entertaining and it is produced well.  

I will add the ones I like most. 

Stuff You Should Know: topic various


All kind of topics, and the guys presenting it are so relaxed and so much fun. Highly recommended. 


HoeZo: topic science - language Dutch


Tux Radar Linux Podcast : topic Linux


I used to listen to the Linux Outcasts http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxoutlaws and The Linux Action Show. http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheLinuxActionShow too but it was all a bit too much of the same and tuxradar appeals to me most. 

The best Linux Podcast Show ever was imo lugradio. If you never listened to them before it might be fun to check them out http://www.lugradio.org/

Click: topic technology / science 


If you have any you like, please share them here (and include the feed). Always looking for new and interesting podcasts :)
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Great CJ, exactly the stuff I am into :)

I think I listened to Skeptoid before, not sure. Radiolab doesn't sound familiar. I will check them out.  Thx
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Hey Great idea for a thread. I love podcasts.

I really enjoy 'skeptoid' they are quite short (10mins or so) little podcasts, generally debunking bad science and pop psychology.

^^ God i hate show.

On the same line of thoughts though, perhaps my favorite podcast is 'Out there'. i think it's discontinued now, but still very good. I just tried to find it in podcast ally, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.

When i first begun using Gnu/Linux, i listened to 'Linux Reality', it was very good.


b_o_b said he used to listen to The Linux Action Show, and i hate that show too.

I listen to the linux link tech show occasionally too but it can get boring.

It's not a podcast, but instead a podio book. I've listened to 'Quater share and it was quite good. I haven't gotten around to downloading the sequels yet though.
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Hey Great idea for a thread. I love podcasts.

I really enjoy 'skeptoid' they are quite short (10mins or so) little podcasts, generally debunking bad science and pop psychology.

^^ God i hate show.
Purely curious,  why the hatred for it?

If you could find a link to an old "out there" episode I would be interested to give it a listen

Back on topic I also listen to "in our time" bbc podcast


It covers lots of topics, but I prefer the science related ones.
Hey Great idea for a thread. I love podcasts.

I really enjoy 'skeptoid' they are quite short (10mins or so) little podcasts, generally debunking bad science and pop psychology.

^^ God i hate show.
Purely curious,  why the hatred for it?

If you could find a link to an old "out there" episode I would be interested to give it a listen

Back on topic I also listen to "in our time" bbc podcast


It covers lots of topics, but I prefer the science related ones.
Sorry i was wrong, I've just gone through all my podcast collection and it's not skeptoid i dislike. I've only heard one episode of Skeptoid, it was about organic agriculture and although i didn't agree with it completely, at least it was interesting. I was thinking about a podcast called 'atscpod', which is about conspiracy theories, and very poorly done. Out there is about conspiracy theories too, not science.

Here is a link to Out Theres website.


I've found it on podcast ally too.

Here's the feed url


I've just resubscribed :-)
Podcasts I like:

Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown

Answer Me This!

Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews

The Bugle

In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg (like DrCJBoduma, I mostly listen to stuff from the Science Archive, although I don't mind the History stuff either)

Richard Herring's Leicester Square Podcast

None of these have anything to do with Linux - which I like and use all the time, but it's never struck me as something I want to listen to a podcast about.


Podcasts I used to listen to but have gone off:

Radiolab (which does have some good episodes, but it can be a bit simplistic, and I got bored of the adverts)

This Week In Tech ('cos that Dvorak guy can F.R.O.)

This American Life (which is very good, of course, but I'm never in the mood for it).

BBC Friday Night Comedy (smug).
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Podcasts are usually a big waste of time. Most of them are just a bunch of guys recording casual conversations and thinking they are interesting. And they go on for hours sometimes. Its not redacted, its free flow and its mediocre at best. I tried many and they all belong to the boring crap category.

I prefer much more reading a good article than listening to a pair of poor, inexperienced orators.
Podcasts are usually a big waste of time.
Yep, just like posting in forums ;)  

There are quite a few very well produced podcasts that are basically radio shows and re-released as a podcast. BBC has lots of them. I also like some of their documentaries. 

I agree that the Linux related shows are sometimes too long and not very well edited/produced. For that reason I could not listen to the LinuxLink TechShow. 

Podcasts are great to keep yourself informed while on the bike or doing some dull (cleaning) task at home. I bike (when it is nice weather) 2 hours every day. Then it is great to listen to  a podcast. I also listen to audiobooks but I tend to stay more focused and consider podcasts more entertaining. 
Podcasts are usually a big waste of time. Most of them are just a bunch of guys recording casual conversations and thinking they are interesting. And they go on for hours sometimes. Its not redacted, its free flow and its mediocre at best. I tried many and they all belong to the boring crap category.

I prefer much more reading a good article than listening to a pair of poor, inexperienced orators.
There are good ones, i do agree that many are exactly as you describe. You need to listen to a fare few to find a good one or two.

Personally, i don't have a lot of time. When i do I get board watching movies, and struggle to find enough time to read books. I hate listening to the radio due to adverts and disliking for the chosen music the majority of the time. I have a mp3 player which i put all the music i like on it. I have about 1600 songs. Some people think this is heaps, while personally i've seen some people with collections in the 10s of thousands. I believe that some people own mp3 players and just fill them with crap, even stuff they don't like, but it may have come in a compilation album or something. I try very hard not to put songs i have the slightest disliking for on mine. With only 1600 songs built up in around 7 years, i've listened to each song repeatably, so sometimes i don't want to listen to my music either.

I used to work on an olive farm, where i would work many hours by my self removing under growth. I always had my mp3 player on me, and while i worked i listened to podcast sometimes; and they were one thing that helped me enjoy my job a little more.

I've got a fare bit off topic, but my point was originally meant to be, i couldn't read a book while working, but podcasts, podio books, and even listening to movies is great while working, if you're in the right work environment.
Podcasts are usually a big waste of time. Most of them are just a bunch of guys recording casual conversations and thinking they are interesting. And they go on for hours sometimes. Its not redacted, its free flow and its mediocre at best. I tried many and they all belong to the boring crap category.

I prefer much more reading a good article than listening to a pair of poor, inexperienced orators.
This is often true, of course. For some podcasts, the shambolic, unedited, and uncensored nature is part of their charm (I've listened to stuff like Collins and Herrin, and Grandma's Virginity in the past). Nowadays, though, it seems increasingly common for even 'amateur' shows (i.e. those not coming out of big corps like the BBC or NPR) to have someone extra onboard, to take care of things like sound quality and editing.

Each to their own, though. Personally, I find podcasts a useful way to get through tedious things like housework and train journeys. If anybody else had to listen to the awfulness that is my internal monologue, they'd understand why I so often have earphones in.
Each to their own, though. Personally, I find podcasts a useful way to get through tedious things like housework and train journeys. If anybody else had to listen to the awfulness that is my internal monologue, they'd understand why I so often have earphones in.
My point is that on top of being very boring, podcats have a super low density of information. I need to listen to 30 mins to get maybe a couple of things I did not know. Reading is way, way, way more efficient. And way more interactive (since i can zap through an article for interesting parts instead of reading in linear fashion). 
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Podcasts are usually a big waste of time.
Thank you for your opinion.Do you also write in "best game for $CONSOLE"-Threads, that the $CONSOLE was a crappy console, so in fact every game for it sucked?
I am not sure how things are in Japan, but here in the Netherlands it is really dangerous to read while riding a bike. 
Podcasts are usually a big waste of time.
Thank you for your opinion.Do you also write in "best game for $CONSOLE"-Threads, that the $CONSOLE was a crappy console, so in fact every game for it sucked?
You mean the Jaguar? Yeah, i stand by the idea that its was a stinking pile of crap. No reason to buy it even 20 years later.

Its interesting that you make a generalization of my opinion on past consoles based on a single example. Thank you Mr Strawman.

I am not sure how things are in Japan, but here in the Netherlands it is really dangerous to read while riding a bike.
In Japan we use public transports. So you can actually read instead of focusing on the road.
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