Hehe, you think you're going to take a couple of days break from the comp to escape the heat and gather my energy to eliminate a frustrating bug in the particle logic and BAM almost two weeks passes before I regained my intrest in this little project, aw well. <_<
Version 0.3 of gp2x sand is done, just waiting for it to get registered in the archive. I thought the archive was fully automated, but that doesn't seem to be the case.... or it is and I just happend to screw up, I'll try again tomorrow if it isn't done by then.
Well the major change in this version is the introduction of salt, saltwater, steam, plant and fire, which makes this version a whole lot more dynamic than the previous ones. Some bug fixes were also made, particles doesn't stick to the top of the screen and particles sinking in lighter elements don't form spikes where they land.
For the next version I'll see if I can get an in-game menu working, I think it will be needed to handle more elements like spouts and torches, and is a must for future user defined elements. I'll also aim to make generally improvements to the user interface.
I took most of the values needed for the new elements from wxSand but I modified them a bit since I use a different implementation which makes the behavior a little diffrent, I would appreciate comments on this.