Stick Soldiers


Still Fresh
Aug 16, 2004
Hi all

Has anyone here played stick soldiers? Availible here:

I think its a great game, although a little buggy. As the source code for this has been lost, does anyone know of a similar game which might could be ported to the GP32? Or is there even a way it could be remade?

Thanks in advance

Yeah i heard about the third in the series being on the way

Then there is Damob coming too (dont bother visitng yet there isnt much there) which will be gangsters v soldiers

I think this style of game is perfect for the GP32, lots and lots of fun without needeing to look good at all

If Stick soldiers or a variant was availible on the GP32 with multiplayer, id probably buy another just to play with a mate
on the offchance anyone else is intersted in this thread, there is also Soldat a brilliant game along similar lines to stick soldiers, unfortunately closed source, but good none the less

This game is well made and multiplayer ready

If anyone is trying these out i would be interested to hear from you

End of post-whoring
I think i did mention that the graphics werent the best. Im not sure what you were expecting, i was hoping to find something similar that could be played on the gp32 not my PC.

Still here are the screenshots that i could find:

1. Stick soldiers

2. Soldat

3. A link to the bastard website


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Okay, so it's a Soldat clone with crappier graphics and the whole level in one screen, and rectangular blocks for floors.
Rico if you can get half life or doom 3 to run on the GP32 then maybe you would have a point, but as you cant do any of these things im looking for fun alternatives that will work
You got me confused. Not giving you a game that's like stick soldiers except on the GP32 doesn't make the game any less crappy. I was criticising the game, not providing you with an alternative. The lack of responses so far should already clue you in to how many 'alternatives' are available.
Look mate there are plenty of games suggested here that i dont like, but i dont feel the need to tell anyone. I was only wondering if anyone else was intersted ok?
Well I just stated my opinion. There's nothing against that. I mean if people were already posting alternatives I might have shut up, but if the topic's going dead, I'm going to post a comment to try to spur discussion. But I don't think you're getting any response at all ;/