F200 Or Pandora?

The gp2x can't emulate psx and jaguar how the hell can it emulate gamecube alex and seniorquack are you feeling alright before writing all this rubbish get the psx and jaguar running full speed if the gp2x is that good there is no chance you are gonna get gamecube running do you know how powerful gamecube is get a life both of you.

If anyone can't decide which to buy i would prefer everyone go for pandora why waste money on gp2x when pandora is an powerful system which capable of more i reckon most emulators and homebrew on gp2x will come on pandora, i fear one thing once enough people know about the pandora gradually the sales will decrease of the gp2x.
pandora all the way! pretty much all gp2x apps wont have to be re-programmed or re-optimized for pandora, just changes made to key bindings. in essence it would be a simple matter of re-compilation! (which is quite simple and takes about 5-10 minutes depending on the computer system as opposed to having to re-write/optimize the program) it would just be a matter of programmer(s) sitting down, getting all the source codes from the archives, and then recompiling each app which as said before doesnt take long on average. eventually most ported gp2x to pandora apps will be optimized for power saving, but the point still remains, they may only call pandora a "spiritual successor" to the gp2x, but if you can get over the control layout, it may even replace the gp2x and/or send GPH down the same road as the original gamepark.
Once the pandora is released and it has enough emulators,applicaions on it the emulation will begin for real it will only take about 1 month to get lot of stuff on it if the developers are really serious about it they can get all the emulators running in a day.

I will tell you one thing it's going to happen again what happened to gp32 which is dead console, it's going to happen to gp2x definetely gp2x is in great fear, a machine like pandora will end the gp2x for good this is 100% guaranteed, the pandora is not only powerful system it far more capable than just emulators, make sure in the next couple months we don't see the end of gp2x f-200.
sukhigp said:
The gp2x can't emulate psx and jaguar how the hell can it emulate gamecube alex and seniorquack are you feeling alright before writing all this rubbish get the psx and jaguar running full speed if the gp2x is that good there is no chance you are gonna get gamecube running do you know how powerful gamecube is get a life both of you.

If anyone can't decide which to buy i would prefer everyone go for pandora why waste money on gp2x when pandora is an powerful system which capable of more i reckon most emulators and homebrew on gp2x will come on pandora, i fear one thing once enough people know about the pandora gradually the sales will decrease of the gp2x.
Sukhigp, I think you are the one who is not feeling alright. :P

You seem quick on insulting people. You wonder why people are being harsh on you (same goes with those spam of help threads).

It's funny how fickle you are. A week ago, you were so much a helpless GP2X fanboy, then a few days ago, you became a messenger of the "F-800", spreading crap all around. Now it seems that you have your sights on the Pandora and predicting the doom of the GP2X. What are you really? :lol:
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What ever you are Sukhi, I bet you knew Anna. So how is she doing? Is she doing anything involving videogames?

I know you are getting a kick out of toying with are American, European, German, and Spanish asses.
Wow sukhigp, you are a professional flip-flop if I've ever seen one.

On topic: if you don't mind spending the money then go for the GP2X. If getting a GP2X now means not being able to get a Pandora later then you might want to wait a few months to see if it does come out and then get one if it doesn't. Pandora might not live up to all of the expectations, but I don't think that GP2X will have a big software advantage over it in the end (in as little as 3-6 months after if it's released if things go well). The only thing you'll really be missing long term are the very few commercial games, if none of their developers decide to release Pandora versions.

And someone PLEASE put out this "Gamecube on Pandora" fire sukhigp is starting, before it spreads :/ I don't even know how he got that.
where did you get the idea i'm a gp2x fanboy i never bought it for emulation i only bought it for the cradle that's all, because memory card wasn't enough memory my gp2x only stays at home i hardly never take it outside.

The gp2x specs aren't that good so why keep saying it can do that,it plays arcade emulators, it only plays 2d games and not 3d it's very boring playing 2d games all the time, i prefer pandora because it's powerful and plus it will able to play 3d games.
we will able to play 3d games on psx,mame emulators that will beat the crap out of gp2x.

I just want to see pandora with 3d games i prefer both worlds 2d and 3d which pandora is the clear winner and gp2x is very basic console.

Technology moves on it never stays the same we seen the gp2x can do, now we will see pandora powerful technology is capable of i'm sure pandora will make the gp2x look out of date.

What are you lot on about saying that i know anna, look here, i don't know her stop writing this rubbish on this post, write sensible comments not rubbish like that and don't forget this is the topic for gp2x vs pandora and don't you dare write any crap like that again.
I concede on the "fanboy" remark, and I will apologize if it was offending, but the rest of my comment seems to hold true.

As of staying on topic, I think you are confusing this thread for your own thread. B)

(Well you're pretty guilty as well for writing "crap". :P )
Omg, before this spreads as a "rumour" and we'll have thousands of "Gamecube emulation on Pandora" threads (like we had with N64 on the GP2X).

The Pandora won't be able to emulate the Gamecube, and never will.. there isn't even a decent PC emulator for the cube!

Where did you read that anyway?

Fullspeed N64 is already awesome/unbelievable/uberl33th4xx0r if it will ever come that far.. :P
Thanks gavie for good response.
I got if from a website here isthe text from the site well it actually means something else i thought it can emulate it by reading this small text, I got from bluwiki here it is below:

The system may be about as powerful (in the CPU category) as a GameCube when pushed to the limits.
sukhigp said:
The system may be about as powerful (in the CPU category) as a GameCube when pushed to the limits.
and that means...? The Pandora has the same PowerVR that is in the Dreamcast, but that doesn't mean it can emulate a Dreamcast 100% if at all. Man my brain hurts trying to read your posts. Also this is not Pandora VS GP2X topic. The topic starter just wanted to know if they should wait for the Pandora or buy a GP2X now. I'd say wait a little while. I personally love the GP2X and most emulators run amazing and are near perfect. (besides snes) The only thing is quite a few emulators need "tweaking" to get the desired emulation that you'd want. If you don't mind that then go for a GP2X. Also it is pretty nice as a media player, and playing MAME, neogeo, movies, nes, and mega drive/genesis with TV-Out is a nice bonus. However the Pandora will do all this (supposedly) when it comes out. If you can handle waiting I would do that, but if you have to have homebrew, emulation, and a media player now then go for it if you have the money.
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After hearing about the release date of the Pandora I was having the same misgivings myself. Why
buy an inferior platform when a superior one is just around the corner? After awhile I came to a few conclusions:

1) The release date is probably only a tentative thing subject to possible delay and change.
2) The release date is probably only indicative of when the 1st phase units (To developers only!)
will be completed and shipped.
3) Why deny yourself something you want and are willing to pay for now? The F200 while not a truly mature
system in the sense that all its features are not fully put to use (touchscreen apps), it has other features
(i.e. hardware accelerated movie playback, improved emulator playback) which still make it a very
worthwhile system now.
4) When people in the same predicament as you are (straddling the fence between waiting and buying) find
out the Pandora won't be available for general sale until Winter '09 or Spring '09 (Hey, it could happen!)
there may be a bum rush on F200 units and you may have a long wait until more become available.
5) Buy the F200 now and use it. When the Pandora comes out you may find that you prefer certain
apps on it rather than on the Pandora.
6) The F200 might make a handy replacement unit for certain situations which you don't want to expose
your expensive new Pandora to.
7) It can't hurt to have a 'backup' unit in case (The Gaming Gods forbid!!!) something happens to your
Pandora and you have to get it repaired.
8) If you have the money, buy an F200 now, its cheaper. Surely you can save up to recoup what you've
spent by the time the Pandora is released.

I can't think of any more reasons right now. :lol: