Exult Gp2x Beta 4 - Important Improvements


Certified Guru
Oct 22, 2004
Madrid, Spain
Well, two days after last beta version, here you have another one containing important improvements that will make it essential to everybody that had downloaded any first versions:

- Fixed graphic problem that caused screen corruptions (thanks to
  Willem Jan Palenstijn member of the Exult Team), now it looks perfect :)
- Fixed bug that didn't permit start Serpent Isle (you have to turn off
  introductions in main menu to play it).
- Added sound support for Sound Effects.
- Added the possibility to write some characters using X and Y buttons
  in save game dialog (now you can save the progress in different slots
  instead to use quicksave).
- Remplaced absolute paths by relative paths in configuration file (now
  you can copy Exult folder in ANY place of your SD, not only in the root).
- Added L+Joystick shortcut to move mouse cursor much slower (useful to use
  very small objects like keys, rings...).
- Added L+A shortcut to try all the keys availables in a closed door or chest
  (in this way you don't need to look for and try all the keys one by one).
- If you push CLICK Joystick's button you will get a dialog showing all
  button shortcuts.

As you can see, I have added some of the suggestions received in forums and Irc, so let me know everything you think to improve it :)

I recommend you to read the file readme.gp2x.txt included in the zip file to obtain more info.

You can download the game here.

wow.. this is definitely something i'll be trying out when i get my gp2x tomorrow (hopefully). this is fantastic work - well done. ^^
sounds awesome will test it after posting the news on gp2x.de ;)

ok tested it and it works like perfect for me. No problems yet (but i just started a game)
AWESOME release Puck! Thank you very much!
Thank you so much - this version works much better.

When I bought 'The Black Gate' and 'Serpent Isle' back in 1992, I found no time to play them. This is a wonderful second chance to beat the Guardian :D.

I'm glad that my old 3,5" disks are still alive...
As you can see, I have added some of the suggestions received in forums and Irc, so let me know everything you think to improve it :)
I just tried it out and it looks great! At first I had some weird problem with music/sfx but after rebooting it went away.

Great job, this is really cool! I think I know who my next donation is going to :)
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Do I need any external files, or is it all included?
From the Readme said:
To try it, you must unzip the file to any SD folder, so you will have a folder
called exult. After that, you must copy Ultima VII original game files in exult/blackgate
or exult/serpentisle, depending of your game. If you want to hear the music, you must
download the following files and unzip them into exult/data/music:
If you also want to hear sound effects, you must download the following files and unzip
them into exult/data:
You need to supply the actual game files for Ultima VII ;)
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Do I need any external files, or is it all included?
From the Readme said:
To try it, you must unzip the file to any SD folder, so you will have a folder
called exult. After that, you must copy Ultima VII original game files in exult/blackgate
or exult/serpentisle, depending of your game. If you want to hear the music, you must
download the following files and unzip them into exult/data/music:
If you also want to hear sound effects, you must download the following files and unzip
them into exult/data:
You need to supply the actual game files for Ultima VII ;)
That was a given lol
Thanks for the info on the other stuff.
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Hmmm, I'm confused about this bit:

If you also want to hear sound effects, you must download the following files and unzip
them into exult/data:

... each of these .zips has an .flx file, a readme and a wavlist file ... do we need the wavlist file? And how should it be installed? ... if we unzip it to EXULT/DATA it will over-write itself ... :blink:
You know, I wondered about overwriting the wavlist file myself...

Well, the way I understand it - and I may be wrong - is that jmsfx.zip should be used if you're playing BG/Forge and jmsfxsi.zip if you're playing Serpents Isle/SS.

For now - since I'm playing with the BG/Forge original code, I used both .ogg archives and only the jmsfx.zip file ;)
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Hmmm, I'm confused about this bit:

If you also want to hear sound effects, you must download the following files and unzip
them into exult/data:

... each of these .zips has an .flx file, a readme and a wavlist file ... do we need the wavlist file? And how should it be installed? ... if we unzip it to EXULT/DATA it will over-write itself ... :blink:
You know, I wondered about overwriting the wavlist file myself...

Well, the way I understand it - and I may be wrong - is that jmsfx.zip should be used if you're playing BG/Forge and jmsfxsi.zip if you're playing Serpents Isle/SS.

For now - since I'm playing with the BG/Forge original code, I used both .ogg archives and only the jmsfx.zip file ;)

Many thanks for the idea ... I shall try it now and report back :)

Edit: Well, I think it worked ... I hear birds chirping randomly ... ('m playing Black Gate, and installed only the files from jmsfx.zip. Thanks again :)
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Well, two days after last beta version, here you have another one containing important improvements that will make it essential to everybody that had downloaded any first versions:


Do you copy everything from the PC version or just some stuff. I assume that the PC .EXEs can be left out because hey are DOS programs right? You just need some files right, which ones?

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Well, two days after last beta version, here you have another one containing important improvements that will make it essential to everybody that had downloaded any first versions:


Do you copy everything from the PC version or just some stuff. I assume that the PC .EXEs can be left out because hey are DOS programs right? You just need some files right, which ones?


copy the folder named static and the file named dsstore to either blackgate or serpentisle depending ont hegame files you want to play

for sound look to the first page of this thread it has all the download linls and relevant info about directory

btw puck you rule i havent played ANY of the ultimas (gasps from gp32x crowd) but now i get to play a game on the gp2x that illl enjoy excellent work you deserve a night of tricks from sum fine ass hoes (excuse the psuedo hiphop speak)
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copy the folder named static and the file named dsstore to either blackgate or serpentisle depending ont hegame files you want to play

for sound look to the first page of this thread it has all the download linls and relevant info about directory

Ok did that except I didn't notice anything called "DSStore" anywhere. It seems to work.

My screen is flickery though. Is that normal or is it my FW version 1.0.1? It doesn't flicker in other apps just this one.
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copy the folder named static and the file named dsstore to either blackgate or serpentisle depending ont hegame files you want to play

for sound look to the first page of this thread it has all the download linls and relevant info about directory

Ok did that except I didn't notice anything called "DSStore" anywhere. It seems to work.

My screen is flickery though. Is that normal or is it my FW version 1.0.1? It doesn't flicker in other apps just this one.

arrgh just me being a noob dsstore was because i got a mac version of utima isnt needed kinda like that thumbs thin in xp i think though dont quote me on that

the flikering describe it, is it just the sprites graphics or is the flikering accompaied by rolling "fuzzyness" vertically?
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