Extra Files Created By Os X


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2006
Not sure if this has been mentioned in full before but since I have gotten my GP2X, every time I havent removed the invisible files created by OS X from my sd card before putting it into my GP2X it made the card flakey and work sometimes and not work other times. So I recommend that you remove those files from your sd card before you put it into your unit to make sure your sd card works perfect every time. I currently use FinderCleaner which is free and can be obtained on www.versiontracker.com(findercleaner has been mentioned on this site before) It works great.
Not sure if this has been mentioned in full before but since I have gotten my GP2X, every time I havent removed the invisible files created by OS X from my sd card before putting it into my GP2X it made the card flakey and work sometimes and not work other times. So I recommend that you remove those files from your sd card before you put it into your unit to make sure your sd card works perfect every time. I currently use FinderCleaner which is free and can be obtained on www.versiontracker.com(findercleaner has been mentioned on this site before) It works great.

Thanks for the tip. I hate .DS_Store.
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Good tip - leave it in the dock, and just drop the sd card icon into it before ejecting.

Another good piece of freeware is textwrangler for saving .gpu scripts that will work on the GP2X (unix format.)

Last I recommend using the xvid codec for quicktime to encode your movies for GP2X. I haven't done extensive testing, but it seems to work well.
Not sure if this has been mentioned in full before but since I have gotten my GP2X, every time I havent removed the invisible files created by OS X from my sd card before putting it into my GP2X it made the card flakey and work sometimes and not work other times. So I recommend that you remove those files from your sd card before you put it into your unit to make sure your sd card works perfect every time. I currently use FinderCleaner which is free and can be obtained on www.versiontracker.com(findercleaner has been mentioned on this site before) It works great.

Those files drive me nuts, and they are *everywhere*. It's even worse over a Windows share since they also need to create "resource forks" as separate files.

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