Extra Buttons


I am One with the DarkNss
Jun 11, 2003
I wonder if anybody out there also think it's possible to use the Ext port on the GP32 to make an accessery that adds more buttons to it? From what I've seen of the specs of the connector port, it's seems feasible to me. I think it's possible to add 2-4 buttons to the GP32.

I don't think it's impossible, but I don't think it will be that easy either. I'm going to search for that original EXT port thread to find the specs on that again. My dad is a very good electronics engineer and may be able to help me with this, assuming I can find the parts I will need. If nothing else, I'll just propose this idea to GamePark themselves, so it can be done right.
There's a possibility that the ext. port may be just a tiny bit too slow for extra buttons, in the sense that they would delay upon press. I don't know any of the tech specs, but I just have a feeling.
How would you add buttons anyway? You would have to do some serious modification to your gp for that, is it really worth it?
I think 6 buttons are enough. Unless you are talking about a keyboard which could be kinda cool, although it would be an addon I would have to have but never use :)
You might be able to add some extra triggers but you wont be able to use any extra things thru the ext port, so you cant play multiplayer with it on. Still would be kinda cool.
I know, why don't we add wheels and an engine so we can use our gp32's to get to work :p
I modded mine to make me breakfast the other day, but it keeps burning the eggs.

Seriously, an "extra button" mod is ALMOST a good idea. One problem is there's nowhere to put it. If you made a module that clipped on to the side, what would it clip to? Another problem is that each individual piece of software would have to be modified to accept input from these new buttons. Plus you have the possibility that it may not be fast enough to register quick button presses.

It's a nice idea in theory, but it just wouldn't work in practice.
I dissagree, you could fit extra buttons under the 2 existing ones as shown in my picture in the link below. The obviously would b clipped on, not in the actual case as my example shows. Would b an interesting mod tho... Heres the picture
Yeah, I had a (lame) picture of how it would look also, but I don't know how to post it from my hard drive. Also, the extra buttons obviously wouldn't be used on all applications. But it would be nice for snes and genesis and etc. emulators. Maybe the extra buttons could be made to work with some different firmware. And the extra buttons should be able to just clip on the side of the GP32, with enough space for you to slide your finger underneath the clipped on board so you could reach the 'R' button. I still see this as feasible. But the lack of being able to use other add-ons makes me feel like I thought up a bad idea. :(
What would be good is a keyboard if gamepark made a text adventure, they could sell the board with the game.
Maybe not a complex text adventure, but a simple character combination (which is what a language essentially is) video game.

I'm really into this whole extra controls thing. This console is still new and really open to extrapartial development. Whatever the outcome for me, I feel this idea is worth it.
What i was gonna do was attach to new buttons to the start and select buttons and have it built into the gp32 case above the a and b buttons this way snes emulation will work :)

Not many games require the start button most games will start if you hit the A button and hardly any games used the select button thats why it was removed on the n64 controller.

I think this is a great idea. It'd perfect for snes, but now that I think about it, is there really enough room for two more buttons that are the same size as the other two?
Dozer: your pic didn't work :unsure:

I'm not quite sure I understand. Do you mean you want a small circuit board with 2 buttons sitting top of the right side of your GP? Or do you intend to drill additional holes into the plastic and mount them like the origional buttons? As severe as that sounds, I'd be willing to do it if someone else could prove it's possible (and worthwhile).

Azure: there's not enough room for 2 buttons underneath (select button is in the way) and there's not enough room above (case curves). What you COULD do is put one under the A and one above the B. This would give a roughly square layout. Not as ergonomic as the classic diamond layout, but it would fit.
If i could get a replacement case for the GP32 i would do my mod right now.

Good thing is that my mod wont need anything for the gp32 software its just the start and select buttons remapped then you can set up the snes emu to have certin button presses for start.

Another place for a couple of extra buttons would be simply to stick 2 on top of the current L and R buttons - or 2 microswitches at least. Just move your fingers slightly further in to hit the new ones :)


1 M |

1 being where you usually press for the button, M being a microswitch that's been added.

Only problem with this one via the ext port would be there's be a wire running across the gp.