ext4: pnds won't start


Apr 16, 2012
Inspired by the thread about advantages and disadvanteges of filesystems I decided to make the biggest partition on my new 32GB SD card ext4.

Using GParted.pnd I created following partition scheme: unallocated 4 MiB; FAT32 2 GiB; ext4 27,19 GiB. Then I made the ext4-partition writeable with chmod ugo+rwX and copied over the contents of my old SD card without problems.

Now Firefox13 won't start any longer. It complains that there is yet another instance running (which isn't).

Even weirder: Super Geometry Dust will start once after a reboot. But if I quit and try to run it again it won't start. There is a message in the output on temp that it "couldn't open dpads".

What's wrong with my installation?

NB If I insert my old SD card (only one FAT32 partition) I can use both programs as normal. Tried reinstalling Firefox on the new card with no success.
Thank you for your advice, but I'm not sure if this is the right direction to go. Maybe I was a bit unclear in my first posting.

I haven't installed the system on my SD card. I just boot from nand. I only changed the filesystem for the partition which stores my personal data (=directory pandora with desktop, menu and so on). Do you think SD Installer will be the right tool for me nonetheless?
Oh, I see. Hmm... It's probably a permissions issue then. Try:

sudo chown -R [username]:[username] /media/[SD Card Partition Label]/

Replace the stuff in braces with the appropriate values.
Oh, I see. Hmm... It's probably a permissions issue then. Try:

sudo chown -R [username]:[username] /media/[SD Card Partition Label]/

Replace the stuff in braces with the appropriate values.

I also suspect that permissions are set wrong as thats the only difference between ext4 and FAT32 in the first place.

Unfortunatly your advice didn't changed the problem, everything is as before. I even tried

sudo chown -R [username]: /media/[SD Card Partition Label]/
You can try using "sudo thunar" and using the gui to set the permissions instead. I'm pretty sure that my line should've worked though. It's possible that ownership of the card itself needs to be changed.
You can try using "sudo thunar" and using the gui to set the permissions instead. I'm pretty sure that my line should've worked though. It's possible that ownership of the card itself needs to be changed.

I think the command itself was executed. Will try the gui later, as I had to drive home now.
Do you have any pnd logs in /tmp ?

Yes, I have logs for both. All I can see is said line "couldn't load dpads" in Super Geometry Dust's log. And only "Success" messages until "umount the PND" in Firefox's log. Will try to attach logs later.
Here are the logs:


PND : /media/PanInside/pandora/apps/firefox-13.0-1.pnd


APPDATADIR : /media/PanInside/pandora/appdata/hdonk_firefox_001



EXENAME : firefox.sh



[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

Mounting : mount -o ro "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/utmp/hdonk_firefox_001"

Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,dirs="/media/PanInside/pandora/appdata/hdonk_firefox_001=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/hdonk_firefox_001=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/hdonk_firefox_001"

[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Starting the application (firefox.sh ) ----------

LDP: /mnt/utmp/hdonk_firefox_001/lib/firefox-13.0

[sUCCESS]--- Starting the application (firefox.sh ) ----------

[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/hdonk_firefox_001': Device or resource busy

[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

cleanup done

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------


Return code is : 1



PND : /media/PanInside/pandora/apps/supergeometrydust.pnd

PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs

APPDATADIR : /media/PanInside/pandora/appdata/SuperGeometryDust-23703



EXENAME : run_game.sh



[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

WARNING Union already mounted, using it


Loopback devices :

/dev/loop0: [b302]:1049162 (/media/PanInside/pandora/apps/supergeometrydust.pnd)

Are mounted on :

/dev/loop0 on /mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703 type squashfs (ro,relatime)

For these Union :

none on /mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703 type aufs (rw,relatime,si=97a3b648)

[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Set CPU speed ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Set CPU speed ----------

[ START ]--- Starting the application (run_game.sh ) ----------

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

umount: /mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703: device is busy.

(In some cases useful info about processes that use

the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

WARNING umount UNION failed, didnt clean up. Process still using this FS :

Couldn't open dpads

[sUCCESS]--- Starting the application (run_game.sh ) ----------

2569 ? S 0:00 /bin/bash /usr/pandora/scripts/pnd_run.sh -p /media/PanInside/pandora/apps//supergeometrydust.pnd -e run_game.sh -b SuperGeometryDust-23703 -c 600


Loopback devices :

/dev/loop0: [b302]:1049162 (/media/PanInside/pandora/apps/supergeometrydust.pnd)

Are mounted on :

/dev/loop0 on /mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703 type squashfs (ro,relatime)

For these Union :

none on /mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703 type aufs (rw,relatime,si=97a3b648)

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------


Return code is : 1

[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/SuperGeometryDust-23703': Device or resource busy

[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

cleanup done

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------


Return code is : 2

Hmm, log for Super Geometry Dust has changed as I tried to start it several times after each shell command.
Did you actually tried to manually write something on the filesystem ?

I habe copied the content of my old SD card to the ext4 partition on the new one. Does this count as "writing manually"?

Just wrote a test document with AbiWord in the root directory on said partition, tried to read it with mousepad: no problem.
You can try using "sudo thunar" and using the gui to set the permissions instead. I'm pretty sure that my line should've worked though. It's possible that ownership of the card itself needs to be changed.

OK, started thunar with tunar and checked rootdirectory, pandora and appdata. All permissions are set to the correct values: read and write allowed by me, my group and everyone else.
Did you actually tried to manually write something on the filesystem ?

I habe copied the content of my old SD card to the ext4 partition on the new one. Does this count as "writing manually"?

Just wrote a test document with AbiWord in the root directory on said partition, tried to read it with mousepad: no problem.
If you did this as user, it should be fine, but also try in appdata.
Okay, created a new empty file as user with thunar in pandora/appdata/hdonk_firefox_001. No problem.

I'm now going to delete hdonk_firefox_001 and see whats happening then if I start firefox again.
That worked for Firefox! Should have done that before but I hadn't found the directory as I was looking for one named "firefox" not "hdonk...".

I can see that some permissions are set differently. For example ".wh..wh.plnk" is owned by root and only drwx instead of owned by me and drwxrwxrwx.

Will try to delete appdata of Super Geometry Dust. Oh my highscores :( .
Yeah, I've seen this. Strange, editable highscores...

Got no success from deleting appdata though. The message "Couldn't open dpads" remains in the log.

What is this "dpads"?