EXT port connector

Nice.. the plug looks like the correct one. I actually queried the CPC if the CN0668466 is the 3050-18P-0.5HT. A bit pricey for a plug though ;)
Now that you can convert the plug on a gba light you may also be able to change it on a gba FM tuner...Mabey someone smart can even program a FM recorder for gp32 :D but i dont see the fm recorder happening soon because its probly more complicated then i put it ;)
yeah, a keyboard would be verry good, it should be the project after getting the light on it...
I'm trying to put a webcam on it but I'm thinking that it's easier wait for the usb port specs because all the webcams that I got access are usb...
I have a keyboard project going on... it just has been on hold for a moment as I needed the plug for jtag. But now as new plugs are about to arrive any day I can start working on it again. I have this Ericsson charboard modified for gp32 io. Last time my driver was a bit sucky due some stuff I didn't know about this charboard.

USB specs are there already in the Samsung material but I'm not sure if the pin order is described there too.. The other thing is how to handle devices connected to gp32 that are "devices" and gp32 should be a host for them. Maybe there is no problem at all... let's see..
If we could use those mini folding keyboards available for PDA's it would be so cool... Imagine the Atari ST emu with full keyboard usage. Or even being able to write, program or play text adventures on the GP32.

I really hope someone can get this to happen. :)
About the connector that started this thread.. Here's the reply I got from CPC,
which indicated it's not the plug we want :( Still it might be compatible, someone
just has to buy it and check.


Dear Jouni

I have checked with the technical department and CN0668466 is

Kind Regards

Ruth Wigmore
Export coordinator

Combined Precision Components Plc
Component House
Faraday Drive
I dont get anything when I search "CN0668466" I get no item found... hhmmm
I ordered some CN06684 (not CN0668466 as specified at the top of this thread) and they were the correct plugs for the GP32. Comes with a lead connected to the plug, but not all the wires connected. Easy enough to split the connector open though and add more wires :)

CPC did say though that they no longer stocked the item (but didn't say why), so I'm wondering, is the CN0668466 the replacement, or a typo?
paddo posted on Apr 29 2003 said:
Now that you can convert the plug on a gba light you may also be able to change it on a gba FM tuner...Mabey someone smart can even program a FM recorder for gp32 :D but i dont see the fm recorder happening soon because its probly more complicated then i put it ;)
i think i would probably wet my pants if someone did an AM/FM tuner for the GP...
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What I would REALLY like would be the plans for a JTAG cable. Then I could flash firmware to my hearts content.