Release Enigma (Oxyd Clone)


Sep 20, 2008
I ported enigma. Enjoy this great puzzle game. The analogue nubs are made for that game!

Enigma in the file archive

Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga. The object of the game is to find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser beams, and, most of all, countless hairy puzzles usually block your direct way to the Oxyd stones.

Rolling: Mouse-Nub or touchscreen
Use inventory: X
Switch inventory left/right: A B
Speed+: Dpad right
Speed-: Dpad left
Pause: Y or ESC
Menu navigation: Dpad, Mouse-nubbing, Enter, Esc

Press F1 for an ingame help screen.

8.8.2010: 800x480 widescreen support. Now you can use the
black borders for touchscreen control and the menu
is widescreen now. Change resolution in options.
6.8.2010: Touchscreen now works as a control.
Took out mousebuttons for inventory because
it was interfering with touchscreen control.
You don't collect an item after you just dropped
it if you hold the X button.

Touchscreen control works but if you mix it with nubbing, the marble sometimes flicks around.
Sometimes, the marble flicks if you start/restart a level
If you hold X to drop an item and roll the marble around, it will drop and use more items as long as you hold X. It is because the X button (PGDown) works differently than the mousebuttons in SDL. Comment in the forums or here if I should iron this out. SDL event switch cascades are a nightmare ;).

Have fun

Whynodd said:
I ported enigma. Enjoy this great puzzle game. The analogue nubs are made for that game!

Enigma in the file archive

Rolling around: Mouse-Nub
Sensitivity: Dpad left right
Use item: Left click or X
Switch items: A B or right click
Pause: Y

Menu navigation with nubmousing, Dpad, Enter, ESC

The game is not supposed to be played with a touchscreen so this feature is broken on purpose ;)


So this is nub-only? I think that's a bad move considering the amount of people who are accepting one-nubbers.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
So this is nub-only? I think that's a bad move considering the amount of people who are accepting one-nubbers.
But this game only requires one controller, or nub in this case. Sure it might not be the best controlling it with your wrong hand, but it should work (as long as both nubs do the same thing that is).
Still the amount of precision this game requires is going to "stress" test the accuracy of the nubs.

Thanks for the port, lets hope I get my pandora back to test it out.
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God Ginrai said:
So this is nub-only? I think that's a bad move considering the amount of people who are accepting one-nubbers.
-God Ginrai

That is no problem. One-Nubbers just need to set up the working nub as the mouse. I configured the ABXY Buttons for inventory switch and use, so no mousebuttons are needed to play the game. You only need the touchscreen to select the level pack in the main menu. It works after start until you played a level, then the touchscreen has an offset. No show stopper here I think.
I will look into this issue over the next days since this is my first port for the pandora and I'm glad that I packed my first pnd.
I played it myself with both nubs.

Feedback appreciated. Does the pnd work? How are the controls?
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This is bloody brilliant .. I've been a huge player of Oxyd for years and now this clone is going to give me a lot more sleepless nights in the weeks to come! Well done, and thank you for the wonderful port!
God Ginrai said:
So this is nub-only? I think that's a bad move considering the amount of people who are accepting one-nubbers.
I don't. One-nubbers are broken units. If you follow this line of thought then no software should be allowed to use dual analog controls just because some people have accepted a broken unit.

Having configurable controls is never a bad idea though.
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Caine said:
God Ginrai said:
So this is nub-only? I think that's a bad move considering the amount of people who are accepting one-nubbers.
I don't. One-nubbers are broken units. If you follow this line of thought then no software should be allowed to use dual analog controls just because some people have accepted a broken unit.

Having configurable controls is never a bad idea though.

I wasn't saying that using the nubs was a bad idea. It is just inherently bad to fix controls to something that might break. I would say the same thing about someone trying to make a touchscreen only game.

-God Ginrai
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sebt3 said:
the point is : using a touchscreen with enigma will basically kill the game by itself : there is no chalenge anymore
Mind: The marble in the game isn't a mouse cursor, its a physical object that reacts to forces. So the touchscreen (if it worked correctly in the game, maybe I will do that) would be exactly like playing the game with a touchpad on a notebook. Relative instead of absolute positioning. Sure, one could recode the controls so the marble automagically follows your finger/stylus but then the fun is gone (and what about the meditation levels? which marble follows?). This game is really designed to be used with a mouse/analogue.
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Whynodd said:
sebt3 said:
the point is : using a touchscreen with enigma will basically kill the game by itself : there is no chalenge anymore
Mind: The marble in the game isn't a mouse cursor, its a physical object that reacts to forces. So the touchscreen (if it worked correctly in the game, maybe I will do that) would be exactly like playing the game with a touchpad on a notebook. Relative instead of absolute positioning. Sure, one could recode the controls so the marble automagically follows your finger/stylus but then the fun is gone (and what about the meditation levels? which marble follows?). This game is really designed to be used with a mouse/analogue.
Yupp. :) Touchscreen would be very interesting, even with this input method, the Marbles still have their physics, acceleration, breaking, different surfaces react different, the balls would be still very "loose" following the Stylus or whatever. ;) maybe it's even harder than using the A-Pads.
I've played A LOT Oxyd (Magnum) Years ago, the Game was designed for Mouse usage, and at this time the mouse were analog controled without optics/lasers so I really had to fight to keep my Mouse marble clean to have control over the virtual Oxyd marble. :D -Funny times!
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fusion_power said:
Yupp. :) Touchscreen would be very interesting, even with this input method, the Marbles still have their physics, acceleration, breaking, different surfaces react different, the balls would be still very "loose" following the Stylus or whatever. ;) maybe it's even harder than using the A-Pads.
I've played A LOT Oxyd (Magnum) Years ago, the Game was designed for Mouse usage, and at this time the mouse were analog controled without optics/lasers so I really had to fight to keep my Mouse marble clean to have control over the virtual Oxyd marble. :D -Funny times!
I have uploaded a new version with touchscreen support to the file archive. Its waitin' for approval there. You will see it in the description text if it is the new version.
My opinion to touchscreen control: In some levels, touchscreen is great, in some others the nub is better. Use dpad left/right for precision and speed.
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An updated version of Enigma will soon be available in the Pandora File Archive (notice the changelog and there). I have hacked in widescreen support for the menu and now you can also use the whole screen (including the black borders) ingame to touch-control the marble. No erratic marble movement anymore when you touch the black borders. Switch to 800x480 in the game menu. I think this was the last update since the game now runs perfect.

Btw, if you are interested in hacking around: The source code and everything is included in the pnd. Extract it somewhere on your sdcard and then a simple "./configure", "make" and "./enigma" will compile and run the game (use the extend-tools with the dev-overlay).

Please write down your feedback if you have any problems with this version.