[ENGLISH] Which hand-held console is best for emulation?


Still Fresh
Jan 10, 2014

(I know this is a german forum, but my german isn't that good, so I hope english is OK!)

I have always loved emulating old games on hand-held consoles (especially open source-consoles, but also "jailbroken" consoles).
The first one I ever heard of was the original GamePark 32.
I actually got my local video game store in Sweden to import a batch of GP32's, and around this time no one had really heard of it.
I bought the first one (which I still have today) and the rest of the batch sold out fast, so my local video game store was happy and thanked me for bringing the GP32 to their attention.


As the subject says, which is the best hand-held console for emulation today? Which is the most powerful?
Is anyone powerful enough to emulate any console beyond PSOne?

I have been looking at Pandora, but it is too expensive for me.
So please give me your thoughts on the other hand-helds out there that I should check out!

(I already own a PSP2000 with CFW, which is my main choise to emulate games on today, so anything better and more powerful than a PSP is appreciated! :))
I don't think there are consoles that can emulate anything behind PSOne in a good Speed. (Not 15 FPS)

Sorry its this short, I'm in a hurry.

Gruß Jan

I'm using a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet for gaming ... it is a complete windows 8.1 tablet so you have many options to use it. I don't know if it is possible to emulate devices beyond PS1 but I will test it.

The best part: This tablet costs only ~180€ :)

Look into this spreadsheet for more information: http://viehl.ch/tablet-gaming
You might want to take a look at the Shield, if you can get it.

Sent from my Xperia Pro using Tapatalk
Thank you so much for your answers!

I have been looking at buying a Windows tablet lately, and Dell Venue 8 Pro does sound like something I might buy :)

And I haven't really considered Nvidia Sheld, mainly because I've only looked at it as a remote play-console (which is just one of it's features), but why wouldn't it run emulators? I have just never thought about it :D
Is there any emulators for the Shield at the moment?
dannyboyswe said:
Is there any emulators for the Shield at the moment?
Its an Android device with a Shield specific GUI, but still plain normal Android. So emulators on mass XD
If unlucky you may have to download an App for button configuration. But most emulators will identify input devices like the dedicated buttons on Shield
The NVIDIA SHIELD looks realy cool, but for me its a bit too heavy for a Handheld..
I had a Sony Xperia Play and it workd great for Emulators, plus you can make Telefoncalls and SMS too whit it..
Testet Emus up to N64 on it and it workd great
But mybe its too old now but maybe cheap..
The GCW Zero also isnt that expensive, and should also work good for Emus..

Out of Competition, because its realy expensive (but worth every "deutsche mark" ) is the Pandora, i have the classic edition whit the smalest ram and the slowest cpu (256mb, 600+ mhz (up to 950 mhz should work)
And its can handle Emulators up to N64 (lots of games fullspeed, but also a lot not) PSX Fullspeed (some whit enhanced grafic) GBA, SNES, Genesis/Megadrive, Atari, C64,
Amiga etc , even a DS Emulator runs on it, but only 2D Games runs good, and some 3D Games..
The Pandora has a little Keyboard, DPAD, 2 Analog Nubs (like the Circle Pad on a 3ds) 4 Aktion Buttons, and 2 Shoulderbuttons..
It has the Sice of the old Nintendo DS
Im Happy whit it, but as you say, its quite expensive
I thought the Wiz is a bit old, and maybe not that powerful.
But the PSP isn't exactly new either... is the Wiz better at emulating games than PSP?

Nvidia Shield looks amazing, but could be hard to get one here in EU.
And it would most certainly get stuck at customs :-(

Same goes for GCW Zero, it's sold out EVERYWHERE.

I did find this one that look really good, and has got some great reviews, the JXD S7800.
Only bad thing is that JXD seem to release upgraded models like 4 times a year, and therefore they pretty much stop supporting all the older models.

Here are some videos:



It's always worth saving for a Pandora.
My 3DS-XL collects dust and I have sold my Caanoo,
while my Pandora is used every day.

Shield may be great for people, who do not dislike google and android as much as I do.

BTW: There is an international board on this server: