Emule/edonkey Network...


i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
May 31, 2004
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How come theres loads more content on the ed2k network? Im not very knowledgeable on the subject, but whilst emule is slow the content is much greater. Why is this?
Dload speed on Emule is crap in my opinoin <_<

I was getting this file on Emule and it was going at some shit speed liek 0.1kb a sec.
THEN I closed it and imediatly opened eDonkey and selected the EXACT same file and it went at 10kb per sec - 20kb per sec Plus...
eDonkey now includes Overnet functionality using the Overnet network, which is decentralised. That means no servers to bother with, as well as some other perks such as horde downloading. Queuing has always been shorter and download rates faster on the ON for some reason, but eMule doesn't implement it yet.
Vimacs posted on Oct 13 2004 at 06:48 PM said:
you have KAD in emule itssimmilar to overnet, but both suck

Anyone find enabling Kad in emule totally sucks the bandwidth from your connection? I've got 1024/256kbit ADSL and whenever I enable Kad (which I do from time to time as it seems to fins a few things that the default network doesn't) it seems to suck the life out of my connection, even with the upload speed set to something sensible like 12-14kbyte/sec. It's really quite strange.
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MegatronUK posted on Oct 14 2004 at 12:57 PM said:
Vimacs posted on Oct 13 2004 at 06:48 PM said:
you have KAD in emule itssimmilar to overnet, but both suck

Anyone find enabling Kad in emule totally sucks the bandwidth from your connection? I've got 1024/256kbit ADSL and whenever I enable Kad (which I do from time to time as it seems to fins a few things that the default network doesn't) it seems to suck the life out of my connection, even with the upload speed set to something sensible like 12-14kbyte/sec. It's really quite strange.

Try using NetLimiter to limit the upload and see what happens. Also check your CPU usage. I have eMule set to 2KB/s upload because I don't actually download a lot with it :D

eMule + NetLimiter = fast download with tiny upload ;)
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It aint the cpu useage... it runs on a dual athlon 2600 MP setup, emule never uses more than around 8% of one cpu, max. It just seems as if Kad ignores the bandwidth settings totally. I'll have a look at netlimiter though...