Emulator Reviews


Still Fresh
Mar 3, 2003
I am in the process of setting up a new web site with the goal of trying to bring everything connected with the GP32 together i.e. set-up, programmes etc. I am also building an emulator section. I would appreciate it if people could post here the best games they have been playing on each emulator, how they run (sound, speed, compatability, saves etc.) so I can check them out and in time add reviews screens, recommendations etc. to my site.

:D Cheers Gm4n
sms0.5 runs game gear pretty much perfect in everyway tbh. runs sms games ok bit slow at times with crackly sound in places.
GPEngine has 100% speed with most games with sound. Doesn't support saving yet, though.
take a looky at jlbreches website, he got a list of all the emus with their flaws and up points and classic games for them
kram posted on Mar 27 2003 said:
GPEngine has 100% speed with most games with sound. Doesn't support saving yet, though.
yeah but that's with it set at 30fps (effectively frameskip 2)
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Games that work\don't work under gbvgb 0.11:-

Anybody is welcome to continue this list...could be a good starting point.

Work Perfect

Boggle, spy vs spy(gb), Monkey Puncher, Survival Kids, 720, Colin Mcrae rally 2, Mario Tennis, Tennis, Total Soccer 2000, Player Manager, Snoopy Tennis(in-game sound isn't quite there), Jimmy Whites Cueball, Side Pocket, Lemmings and Oh No More Lemmings(GBC!), Pardious, Rogue Hunter(Homebrew), Shadowgate(gbc), Monopoly(GB), Hello Kitty Bead Factory(lol! girlfriends fault), Magi-Nation, The Getaway, WWF Superstars, Legend of River King 2, Grandia, Tetris, Tetris DX, Tetris Flash, Paperboy, Pipe Dream

Minor Glitches(But playable but runs)

Scrabble, Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario Land 2, 3d pocket pool, Dragon Warriors, Another Bible, Heroes of Might and Magic 2, Caesars Palace 2, Montezumas Revenge, Who wants to be a millionaire(US)

Major Glitches(Not Playable)

Alone in the dark, Perfect Dark, Tony Hawks 1+3, ISS 2000, Monopoly(GBC), Little Nicky, Othello 2000(gbc), Cool Hand

Do not work at all

Wordtris, Pokemon Trading Cards, Ultima 4(homebrew), Mario Golf, Deja Vu 1 & 2, Resident Evil Gaiden

GPengine Latest Version

Work Perfect

R Types, Neutopia 2, Ninja Spirit, Power Drift, Outrun, R-Type, Super Volleyball, Wonderboy in MonsterLand, Pardious, Twinbee, Thunderblade, Gunhed, Cadash, Power 11, Formation Soccer, Aero Blasters, Double Dungeons

Minor Glitches

Davis Cup Tennis(In Game Sound only is not emulated correctly)

Major Glitches

Shinobi, Photo Boy, AD&D Griffon, Street Fighter 2:Championship Edition

Doesn't work

Centre Court Tennis

Is that okay to start with?
timthepig posted on Mar 27 2003 said:
Major Glitches

Try another rom/dump version. I play shinobi without bugs or sprite glitches.
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Photograph Boy doesn't even run for me IIRC...

Anyway, rather than repeating information on sites already, I suggest you make a compatability list. List what games work in what version of suchandsuch, and give basic performance stats. It would be a nice incentive to people shopping for a GP32.
Ok then I will try and compile some compatablility lists. Again though I will need help as I cannot possibly try every game for every emulator. So if anyone can post what games they have played on what emulator and it's status (Speed, sound, save, glitches etc.) I can try and put this all together. Cheers
Gm4n posted on Mar 28 2003 said:
Ok then I will try and compile some compatablility lists. Again though I will need help as I cannot possibly try every game for every emulator. So if anyone can post what games they have played on what emulator and it's status (Speed, sound, save, glitches etc.) I can try and put this all together. Cheers
Well, here's my contribution, albeit small.

Wonderswan Emu - soz - forget it's name

About 70% speed, I reckon. no sound. Smallish screen. I suppose this is because the Wonderswans' one wasn't exactly huge.

Mr Driller
Guilty Gear Petit

Don't work
Guilty Gear petit 2.

that's it so far!
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<b>GPengine Latest Version</b>

Doesnt Work:
Jackie Chan - reboots gp32 as soon as you move ingame.
Gristy posted on Mar 28 2003 said:
<b>GPengine Latest Version</b>

Doesnt Work:
Jackie Chan - reboots gp32 as soon as you move ingame.
also don't work on GP engine bonk1 and 3 (havent' tried 1 yet)
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