
This PND is pretty rough around the edges. It is SDL 800x480 streched and the controls are default. So you'll need to set them up yourself once you get in there. If you come up with a control scheme that works, let me know.
paulguy said:
Not to mention that "regular" duke nukem 3d is a DOS game...

I assume he meant, advantages over running it in DOSBox.

Though now that I say that, I'm not even sure if it would have a playable speed?
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Great work! I got a control setup working pretty good without nubs, here is how I have mine setup:

D-Pad: Left and Right to turn, Up and Down to move forward and backward.

A: Strafe, changes the turning on the D-Pad to strafe left and right when held down.

X: Open/Use

B: Crouch.

Y: Quick Duke kick.

L: Jump

R: Fire

1 - 9: The default setup here is to select weapons, and it works perfect :)

< and >: Previous / Next weapons, easy to access these keys quickly to change weapons instead of looking at the keypad numbers to change weapon.

There isn't really a need to look and down to aim at your enemies, thanks to auto-aim doing the work for you. Might need it for finding ways to go though, so I have them mapped to Q and E, just under the D-Pad so its easy to access and remember where they are.

Any ideas on how to get music working? Or is that a code issue? :P

It's so quick and smooth at 500mhz! DosBox at 800mhz wasn't really playable. This is so much better for Duke. Thank you so much.

Many thanks to terminx for EDuke32 and mindlord for the awesome port and packaging!

Woohoo! DUKE3D!!!!!!!
Kicker said:
paulguy said:
Not to mention that "regular" duke nukem 3d is a DOS game...

I assume he meant, advantages over running it in DOSBox.

Though now that I say that, I'm not even sure if it would have a playable speed?
Duke3D's source code was released and a direct port to use SDL and other cross platform libraries. This is "regular" Duke3D because it is basically the exact same game as the original Duke3D, just able to run on a modern system.
Over the years, a lot of bug fixes and enhancements were made. These branch out from "regular" Duke into their own projects, like EDuke.
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Mindlord - you are a star!

MDave - awesome sounding control setup, cant wait to try all this when I get home!!
Holy sweet mother of god, portable Duke with decent controls!!!!!

Mindlord, you da bomb yo!!!

Thank you so much!!
B-ZaR said:
Any chance for the high resolution pack? :)
The HRP needs the OpenGL driver working. So, no, at least until someone converts the opengl driver to gl/es... and even there there's probably not enough ram laying around for that.
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mindlord said:
B-ZaR said:
Any chance for the high resolution pack? :)
The HRP needs the OpenGL driver working. So, no, at least until someone converts the opengl driver to gl/es... and even there there's probably not enough ram laying around for that.

Oh, yes, OpenGL. I somehow wasn't thinking. Must have something to do with writing forum posts and working at the same time :). Well, someone would've asked about it anyway, now there's an answer ready :P
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Would the expansion pack work? Atomic Edition etc...

I didnt realise there are so many unofficial expansion packs.

So as long as there is a .grp file, it'll work?
To get music to work, all you should need is SDL_mixer compiled with integrated Timidity and a working MIDI patchset.
@Craigix, I'm planning on maybe getting music support in, giving the option of 640x480 non-stretched, and mapping the default control scheme to the one that Mdave suggests. I guess I could up it up there anyway in the meantime though.