Certified Guru
I was browsing around today when I came across this - which then led me to this - http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~edgewrite/
Being a bit bored I decided to see if edgewrite would work as a gp32 text input system. My firsts tests were done the correct way using the diagonals (at least briefly read the links above if you haven't done so already otherwise you won't have the faintest idea what I'm talking about). Unfortunatly, as we all know the gp32 joystick diagonals at a bit pathetic, so it was a complete failure. I then tried it by rotating the gp32 slightly and using down for bottomleft, left for topleft, up for topright and right for bottomright, and found that it works quite well
To try it for yourself, download the files from here - http://gp32.sector808.org/edgetest.zip
Make sure you put edgechar.cfg into gpetc. Once loaded you'll see a # in the top left (thats your cursor) and a box in the bottom right. If you wiggle the joystick you'll see a blob move within the box. Now look at that second site again and try drawing letters as shown on the character chart. Try and move fairly smoothly, but don't rush. Only lowercase letters, numbers, space, backspace, linebreak and fullstop work, and only using the basic chart (not the extra combinations in the pdf).
If you want to try using some of the other combinations from the full chart, take a look at the edgechar.cfg file. Add extra lines in this format -
<string to display>=<corner sequence>
The string can be anything you like (so you can create shortcuts), as long as it doesn't begin with a # (thats used for special input like linebreak). The corner sequence is a string of numbers showing the path to take. Count clockwise from bottom left to get the number. Make sure you have a blank line at the end of the file otherwise your last entry won't work.
Have fun
Being a bit bored I decided to see if edgewrite would work as a gp32 text input system. My firsts tests were done the correct way using the diagonals (at least briefly read the links above if you haven't done so already otherwise you won't have the faintest idea what I'm talking about). Unfortunatly, as we all know the gp32 joystick diagonals at a bit pathetic, so it was a complete failure. I then tried it by rotating the gp32 slightly and using down for bottomleft, left for topleft, up for topright and right for bottomright, and found that it works quite well
To try it for yourself, download the files from here - http://gp32.sector808.org/edgetest.zip
Make sure you put edgechar.cfg into gpetc. Once loaded you'll see a # in the top left (thats your cursor) and a box in the bottom right. If you wiggle the joystick you'll see a blob move within the box. Now look at that second site again and try drawing letters as shown on the character chart. Try and move fairly smoothly, but don't rush. Only lowercase letters, numbers, space, backspace, linebreak and fullstop work, and only using the basic chart (not the extra combinations in the pdf).
If you want to try using some of the other combinations from the full chart, take a look at the edgechar.cfg file. Add extra lines in this format -
<string to display>=<corner sequence>
The string can be anything you like (so you can create shortcuts), as long as it doesn't begin with a # (thats used for special input like linebreak). The corner sequence is a string of numbers showing the path to take. Count clockwise from bottom left to get the number. Make sure you have a blank line at the end of the file otherwise your last entry won't work.
Have fun