Certified Guru
After several frustrating weeks of hunting for very strange bugs I have finally got my notepad app into a useable state 
It will work with a chatboard, or for those of you without one you can use the edgewrite system (see http://gp32.sector808.org/edgewrite.php for more info, and make sure you put http://gp32.sector808.org/edgechar.cfg into gpetc).
Usage -
Default input is edgewrite in rotated mode. Press select to switch to diagonal mode if your joystick will handle it.
Press start to switch to chatboard/cursor mode. The stick will now move the cursor around, and if you have a chatboard you can press sms, www, email or shift+backspace to switch it to text mode and start typing. Shift+space will toggle caps lock, there are some extra punctuation characters available on the bottom row, and the cursor keys may work (see below for more info). Use shift+p for return.
There's no interface for loading/saving yet, but if you want to test loading/saving then press a+b to save to gpmm/ep.txt (or place a smallish (something less than 32k but maximum size can vary) text file called ep.txt into gpmm to have it load at launch). Saving will pause input for a second or two.
Chatboard quirks -
These chatboards are strange things, and will behave in what appear to be wierd and wonderful ways if you're not expecting it.
Firstly, the chatboard will default to numeric mode. This means that only the numbers, cursors, and backspace will return anything, but not what you might be expecting (2 will return a, 3 will return d. 4=g, 5=look at your mobile and take a guess
To get out of numeric mode you need to press www, email, sms, or shift+backspace. You can also use phonebook, but that freezes the chatboard for a few seconds.
The chatboard will return to numeric mode if you press shift+backspace, yes, no, or you press backspace more times than you've entered characters (the chatboard thinks it has deleted all characters and the sms it was writing has been closed).
The left cursor may stop working (same reason as for the backspace problem). Right cursor always seems to work.
And finally the really interesting thing - press left+right to display the first 50 characters as a scrolling ticker! Communicate with your friends at ranges greater than the 10m rf link limit! only one gp32 required!
It will work with a chatboard, or for those of you without one you can use the edgewrite system (see http://gp32.sector808.org/edgewrite.php for more info, and make sure you put http://gp32.sector808.org/edgechar.cfg into gpetc).
Usage -
Default input is edgewrite in rotated mode. Press select to switch to diagonal mode if your joystick will handle it.
Press start to switch to chatboard/cursor mode. The stick will now move the cursor around, and if you have a chatboard you can press sms, www, email or shift+backspace to switch it to text mode and start typing. Shift+space will toggle caps lock, there are some extra punctuation characters available on the bottom row, and the cursor keys may work (see below for more info). Use shift+p for return.
There's no interface for loading/saving yet, but if you want to test loading/saving then press a+b to save to gpmm/ep.txt (or place a smallish (something less than 32k but maximum size can vary) text file called ep.txt into gpmm to have it load at launch). Saving will pause input for a second or two.
Chatboard quirks -
These chatboards are strange things, and will behave in what appear to be wierd and wonderful ways if you're not expecting it.
Firstly, the chatboard will default to numeric mode. This means that only the numbers, cursors, and backspace will return anything, but not what you might be expecting (2 will return a, 3 will return d. 4=g, 5=look at your mobile and take a guess
To get out of numeric mode you need to press www, email, sms, or shift+backspace. You can also use phonebook, but that freezes the chatboard for a few seconds.
The chatboard will return to numeric mode if you press shift+backspace, yes, no, or you press backspace more times than you've entered characters (the chatboard thinks it has deleted all characters and the sms it was writing has been closed).
The left cursor may stop working (same reason as for the backspace problem). Right cursor always seems to work.
And finally the really interesting thing - press left+right to display the first 50 characters as a scrolling ticker! Communicate with your friends at ranges greater than the 10m rf link limit! only one gp32 required!