Ebay Experience


Still Fresh
Nov 26, 2006
Anybody had a good experience when you bought a 4gb sd card from ebay??

I recently got scammed by a seller, so I'm a little discouraged to buy from there, but I know it's one of the cheapest spots to get things. I'm giving it another shot, so did anyone have any suggestions that you liked? Which brand and stuff?
Plenty of bad seeds on ebay ruin it for others.

I'd give it a shot again, just make sure to check feedback and to read everything VERY carefully. If it all checks out, then odds are you'll be fine.

If you're unsure drop me a PM and I'll check it out :)
A common trick is to state a good brand, for example Sandisk or Kingston, and then in the description say "you will receive a random brand, examples including Sandisk or Kingston".
You will get a cheapass no-name thing.
Speaking of Kingston, the Kingston Japan cards are usually better (in terms of transfer speed) than Kingston Taiwan.

If you actually got scammed, ie received a counterfeit, you can announce this to ebay. The seller alone is responsible for what he sells and if he sells a counterfeit he will be held accountable, even if he claims he did not know about it.

As for your brand question, personally I am a Kingston Japan man.

I have recently tried Gimahhot, but that's a german site. Basically you offer what you are prepared to pay for a new, still packaged item, and sellers can respond. The money is transferred using an escrow service. All of this has no fees associated with it whatsoever.
I liked it (got a 1 GB Kingston Japan Micro-SD for 14€, no shipping costs), but as I said, it's German only.
my 4gb ebay card just arrived today actually

there were alot of dodgy-looking auctions selling "direct from hong kong" or such, but i stayed away from them

i bought from a seller in my own country, who may have been a bit more expensive, but i think worth it for the hassles it saves incase of warranty, the assurance of a good brand, and the quicker postage

it is not hard to find good sellers on ebay, you just have to read the auction thoroughly and use common sense

here is a link to my winning auction if you are interested
imo if i could buy it from a store i will, even tho ebay has good prices, the whole possiblity of getting scammed is to much of a hassle for me, paying a couple extra bucks isnt a problem..... and yeah check the feedback, and check their other sales to make sure their reliable (or mabey try newegg since thye have good prices)
Goemon4 posted on Mar 8 2007 at 07:33 PM said:
imo if i could buy it from a store i will, even tho ebay has good prices, the whole possiblity of getting scammed is to much of a hassle for me, paying a couple extra bucks isnt a problem..... and yeah check the feedback, and check their other sales to make sure their reliable (or mabey try newegg since thye have good prices)
Paying a couple extra bucks? If you know how to use ebay you can pay significantly less. I saved 30 USD buying a brand new Xbox 360 wireless receiver on ebay as apposed to a B&M store. Additionally, if you know how to save a nice chunk of money, I would hope and pray that you know what to stay weary of ;)
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If you can afford it, go with Newegg.

Actually, I mainly purchase my flash memory from pc2buy.com, they're the only store I found which can ship through the US Postal Service.
I get a lot of my stuff from ebuyer.com. I have been dealing with ebuyer for years and have never had any problems with them, also their prices are quite competitive too!

I do use eBay, but I try to stick to things you would not normally buy in the the shops or online stores, i.e. I just bought some 80 track floppy disks for my BBC micro. No way could I find them anywhere else these days. eBay is my favourite source for retro hardware and personally I wouldn't use them as a source for memory cards.