Easy Overclocking

Hellooo! It's April fool's day here. Today I'm in Miami, Florida, for a wedding. I brought my trusty GP32 with me to entertain my 2 year old daughter with DrMD and "Barney's Hide and Seek"

As the owner of the worlds first pencil-clocked GP32, I'm here to report that everything is still running great. It's been like two years now. I've actually gotten pretty careless with applying the pencil trick, and I think I've proven, at least to my self that I cannot fry my unit with this trick. Your mileage may vary.

With fresh batteries (Alkaline, not NiMH) I can stably go to 220mhz these days.

Next report in 2007. See ya then!
Dude! Did you start with an already 166Mhz GP32? I had a regular 133Mhz and upped to 188Mhz. Should I fiddle with it some more?

- Alex
Hi Alex!

I was going to wait until the new year to post an update, but I have not checked in since my last post, and I missed your post, so I'm posting this reply just for you!

As it turns out, I took the family on another out of town trip. This time, to Aspen, where there is little to do in the "off season", so I brought the gp32 along for the kids. It had been a while since I had updated any of the games, so when we got to the hotel I got the latest copies of MAME, Sushi and Dr. as well as some new stuff to play with. I played at 212mHz for a while (30 minutes) with no problemas. For the kids, I left thngs at the stock 166 (to answer your question), this way they got maximum play time out of Barney and freinds.

The question about 133Mhz and should you fiddle more depends. Gamepark had a tendancy to use various suppliers for their memory. Some of this memory can handle faster clock speeds beter that others. The memory in my GP32 con only goup to 220Mhz. Some others have reported going higher than this.

My advice to you is to take an hour or two to get the feel for edging up to the maximum limit of your unit. Yes, you will go beyond a few time resulting in the unit not booting, but it won't kill it. Clean everything off, and start again. It's really a balance trick that you are playing between the two resistors, so a light tough is all that is required.

Good luck!

Alex. posted on Apr 1 2006 at 12:13 PM said:
Dude! Did you start with an already 166Mhz GP32? I had a regular 133Mhz and upped to 188Mhz. Should I fiddle with it some more?

- Alex
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Somehow, I've managed to lose my GP32 :(

I bought a GP2X last year, and the GP32 went into a drawer somewhere. I guess it felt neglected, and ran away. GP32! If you read this, please come home. I love you, and we all miss you.

I'm sure wherever you are, the pencil trick is still working!
I got scared and cleaned the graphite off from mine :P A great trip while it lasted though, thanks again!
My FLU maxes out at 156Mhz. I suppose I could try this on it now :P

My BLU however can happily cruise upto almost 180Mhz so I don't really have any need to there and I love my BLU too much to ever risk harming it.