Easy Overclocking

I think that Sonic and Knuckles for example is quite laggy on a 144Mhz GP32. Sonic 1 & 2 run awesome though.
Laintsurge posted on Dec 16 2005 at 04:23 PM said:
Oh Ok. Can't you clock yours to 166mhz. Unlucky. Can't you see a pencil in front of you taunting you !
I can see you in front of me taunting me! :( Perhaps I'll try the pencil trick around Christmas 2006, with a GP2X ready to arrive.
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Okay, I was ready to try this yesterday. I opened up my GP32, spent about 5 minutes trying to find R52 and R48 to apply pencil to and what did I find? Two big blue things sticking out of them! This must be what craigix did to it to boost it to 166MHz. Does this mean I can't apply this pencil mod? If there is a way, how do I do it?
I wouldn't do it if I were you.

I know that SNES fullspeed sounds awesome, but it's better to have a working GP32 clocked at 166mhz than a broken one.
Billy Lee posted on Dec 18 2005 at 11:53 AM said:
Two big blue things sticking out of them! This must be what craigix did to it to boost it to 166MHz. Does this mean I can't apply this pencil mod? If there is a way, how do I do it?
u mean resistors?, then its voltmodded.
you could try to draw a pencil line on the board itself...
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greenroot posted on Dec 18 2005 at 09:11 PM said:
I wouldn't do it if I were you.

I know that SNES fullspeed sounds awesome, but it's better to have a working GP32 clocked at 166mhz than a broken one.

But it's tempting isn't it :)
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Yeah, I actually tried it again after I posted the first time.

The LCD screen just started getting all wavy, even when I erased it. I had to let it sit for a little bit. It scared me, so I'm not doing that again. :unsure:
Mines been overclocked to 216mhz for about 3 months and no problems other than battery life. At that speed, its like having a fully working nomad in your hands though and with a psu its forgiveable.
Laintsurge posted on Dec 17 2005 at 11:27 AM said:
Yeah good idea. Just wait until you get your GP2X. Can't you get it any earlier than next christmas ?
I'm one of those horrible people who waits until a more stable release of the GP2X. Besides, I got my GP32 this September, and I can't say that money is what I have to spare...

Billy Lee: Get a big blunt knife and scrape those nasty blue things right off! They're the devil!
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Laintsurge posted on Dec 19 2005 at 08:54 AM said:
When I first got my GP32 and just put some cheap batteries in and the screen started going wavy I almost pooped my pants.

Tortoise head, Eeeewwwww. :P

Anyway, I`m the one in this tread that thought they had killed their GP32 by overclocking with the "pencil trick", Plus was the first (after jcabrer) to do the "Pencil trick" and can say that i am pretty sure (99.9999999999%) you can`t kill you GP32 by doing the "Pencil trick" as long as your sensible. Mine is still going strong after all this time, And is the only one of my GP32 Blu`s that get used, Because it has been overclocked. Do not underestimate the coolness of fast super metroid or F-zero, Mmmmmmmm, Nice. :D

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Trooper... how did your fix you fried GP32 that you fried by applying this pencil trick frying mod? If you're the only guy who had trouble with it and then fixed it, then I'm doing this for sure! :huh: Just tell me how you fixed it :D
Alex. posted on Dec 20 2005 at 03:24 PM said:
Trooper... how did your fix you fried GP32 that you fried by applying this pencil trick frying mod? If you're the only guy who had trouble with it and then fixed it, then I'm doing this for sure! :huh: Just tell me how you fixed it :D

It didn`t actually break or die, It was just an over reaction and a lack of patient on my behalf. I wiped all traces of the graphite from the resistors and left the GP powered off for a couple of minutes and all was good. I kept trying until i got a stable GP at a speed i was happy with.

If you are sensible and patient you can`t do any harm and reep the benefits of a faster GP32. :)

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When I did this my gp went from 156 to 200, but I got greedy the other day, and saw that some people could even go over that. So I opened my gp up and gave it another go, and I accidently broke the flu light. Plus now my gp doesnt even go up to 200 no more. Its back to a 156, and a NLU.

Quick question how easy is it to re-connect that little orange wire. Only one of them broke off. Is there like some type of tutorial around for it? I would like to give it a shot. Never noticed before how dark the gp screen actually is even in direct light.
Damn that sucks. Not a big fan of the gp or anything, but I do feel your pain. Going from a FLU to a NLU has to hurt. If you're really into your gp definately solder that bitch up it should'nt be that hard.
Jaw posted on Dec 28 2005 at 05:09 PM said:
just solder it back on

Is that easy to do? I never soldered anything before, but I would like to learn. Im not even really that sure where the broken wire really broke off from. I do see where the non-broken one is, just not sure about where the broken one should go. Is there any tutorials out there with some pics on how to solder it back on that I can learn from? Anything that can help would be nice.
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