E-mail w/ linux


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Ok, I have netscape mail, and I finally got the internte working on linux :) But I dled netscape for it, entered all my registration & password, then oked it. It asked me my password again, I entered it, I waited for 30secs and it tells me login to imap.netscape.net failed. It works in windows & w/ webmail, but not in linux?? Anyone know why?
Well, as much as I hate answering questions with a totally different answer/solution, I must say; get rid of Netscape, both program and mail. Get your email somewhere else, use Sylpheed to read mail and Mozilla to surf. Netscape is just too bloated to be useful imo..
But then I will have to change my e-mail address :( And everyone will get annoyed because I've already changed my e-mail 10 times :P
You don't need to change your email address, just don't use the netscape suite for browsing and fetching email (Zider is right, it really is far too bloated).

To test if you've got linux connecting to the net correctly, try typing in 'telnet imap.netscape.net 143'. If that returns with something like this -

Connected to imap.netscape.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK imap-d24 v30_r2.7 server ready

then you've got a problem with your mail package or password. If it returns with an error then your problem is to do with your routing/firewall.
Telnet works, but thats exactly what my other mail thingies do, too. They all connect, ask for password, then say that they can't connect.
All I can think is that maybe you're entering the wrong username and password, but that seems very unlikely as you can get windows and the webmail client to work. I'm at a bit of a loss now, sorry. At least you have webmail so you can still get to your email in linux.