Dungeon Master


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I've been trying to play Dungeon Master on castaway using the version that Skeezix is hosting. The cursor keys seem to move you in four directions but not turning - is there a way to do this? I've tried to create a custom config but can't find any buttons to map the turn left & right functions to.

Never played DM before and thought I'd give it a go, but moving the mouse with the D-pad is rather laborious...
switch to cursor mode then 2 of the buttons are assigned to turn lrft/right.
One of the best games ever written - pure class for it's time - blew everything else on the ST. I have spent many a hour trapping rats under a door! ahh rat drumsticks - bootiful really bootiful :D
My favourite trick (from back in the day when I had no life :) was to bring shriekes up from lower floors to upper floors.. I think on the 4th floor there is a safe-room .. a little 2x2 room with a door and no monster will ecver come and open it up once you've cleared the area out. So you go down the 5th or 6th floor and find shriekers and push them up to the safe room.. brandish, attack and leave, etc.. they'll slowly be ablw to be pushed back up. TYhen you can come back and harvest once in awhile.. since theres a door, they never escape, and just sit and multiply once in awhile :) Infinite food :)

I've decided to dedicate a lot of time to this game as it is really cool- gives me the same feeling I used to get off Captive back in the day :) cheers guys