Dungeon & Guarder...anyone have it?

If you like Golden Axe you'll like D&G. It's very similar, with a few more options/attacks but basically the same type of game.
The JoyGP version is in english... badly translated, but english. Don't count on buying it for the story, the BEST you'll get story-wise is a good laugh from the awful dialogue!
Commands I remember: A is attack, B is jump. Up + Jump give a different power type attack and Down + Jump gives a different dash type attack. Don't ask me why it's jump and not attack, but I don't remember the attack button as doing anything different. Hold L while over an item to see what it is, press A to pick it up. Hold R to view magic options, press U/D/L/R to select. I may be a bit off on these as I haven't played for awhile. There are at least a couple of options like this on some characters though. Play around to figure it all out, that's all I did... you may find lots I missed, who knows :).
little weezards and Pinball Dreams are worth the money.

Not tried anything else.

ASR looks really good, but no English yet, plus it's not on JoyGP yet (I don't think)

D&G is good for the money, I bought the proper game like ASR, but for the few dollars / pounds on JoyGp it's worth the money


Her Knights (All for Princess) is a great game. I know it's not on JoyGP, but I highly recommend it. It's one of the only commercial GP32 games I can honestly say is worth buying. It's a scrolling beat'em up, like D&G, but much better. Very well done.

Pinball Dreams is good, I got that at JoyGP. Not perfect, there's some minor pops in the music at times. Nice enough graphics and sound overall. It plays OK, but it's strict pinball, no fancy videogame effects or creatures running around the field or bonus tables or anything fanciful. Personally I prefer the PCE pinballs on GPengine.

We really need more good commercial games for GP32. :( *sigh*

Wish ASR and Mill were translated to English, they look good.
Another thing, once (if) the Amiga emu is released you can play the original Amiga version of pinball dreams instead.
For what it costs from JoyGP it isn't really worth the wait! Pay a few penies out for it now and you'll be playing it for months before (if) the Amiga emu comes out...