Has anyone else noticed a pattern in Nintendo's handheld consoles? It looks like the DS line is going in the same direction as the Game Boy line did:
Game Boy/DS
Game Boy Pocket/DS Lite
Game Boy Color/DSi (XL)
Game Boy Advance/3DS
Game Boy Advance SP/3DS XL
Game Boy Micro/...?
So, if this is true, then the next DS will be a DS Micro, right?
BTW, I'm only posting all of this so in case Nintendo does release something like this, I'll be able to say, "I predicted that."
Here's what I think: It will be about 2 thirds the size of the original 3DS. It won't have a card slot (all games will come from the eShop,) and it won't have a camera, but it will still have a photo viewer. Also, I don't think they'll keep the depth slider. (They'd probably just add 3D depth to the Home menu brightness dialogue.)
I even made a picture:

Just know that this is all speculation and I already said why I'm posting this.
Game Boy/DS
Game Boy Pocket/DS Lite
Game Boy Color/DSi (XL)
Game Boy Advance/3DS
Game Boy Advance SP/3DS XL
Game Boy Micro/...?
So, if this is true, then the next DS will be a DS Micro, right?
BTW, I'm only posting all of this so in case Nintendo does release something like this, I'll be able to say, "I predicted that."
Here's what I think: It will be about 2 thirds the size of the original 3DS. It won't have a card slot (all games will come from the eShop,) and it won't have a camera, but it will still have a photo viewer. Also, I don't think they'll keep the depth slider. (They'd probably just add 3D depth to the Home menu brightness dialogue.)
I even made a picture:

Just know that this is all speculation and I already said why I'm posting this.