I Did Something Stupid :(


Still Fresh
Apr 2, 2005
i have formated my smc and nothing works :( what do i have to do to make it work again?
Help me i'm stuck, its a 160mhz blu.

any help would be appricated!

lizard king
lizard_king posted on Apr 28 2005 at 12:29 PM said:
i have formated my smc and nothing works :( what do i have to do to make it work again?
Help me i'm stuck, its a 160mhz blu.

any help would be appricated!

lizard king

you have to get free-launcher installed again.
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:rolleyes: </Silently screams/>

**Cough**, All better now. :D

Ok, How did you format the SMC ?.

How many SMC`s do you have ?.

Do you have access to a windows 98 machine/computer ?.

Do you have an SMC card reader ?.

Can i scream again ?. :P

@Drak, He doesn`t need freelauncher, Blu and Blu+ come with the firmware already flashed, So freelauncher is not needed.

lizard_king posted on Apr 28 2005 at 02:29 PM said:
i have formated my smc and nothing works :( what do i have to do to make it work again?
Help me i'm stuck, its a 160mhz blu.

any help would be appricated!

lizard king

When I first got my GP32 I made the mistake or formating it in Windows XP. Luckly I backed up the Free Launcher that came on the SMC at the time.

Since I had the standard frimware I had to go to one of my buddies who had the firmware built int where you can format the SMC and thenI copied the Free launcher back and all was good.

Mine didn't come with the USB cable as I belive you can format it properly as well but I use a SMC card read so i wouldn't know.

I would advise flashing to Subman's firmware as it has a launcher built in and you can format cards and delet files, browse etc.

Hope this helps...
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Ok, How did you format the SMC ?. with a card reader in windows XP fat

How many SMC`s do you have ?. 1.

Do you have access to a windows 98 machine/computer ?. no

Do you have an SMC card reader ?. yes

Can i scream again ?. if you want :(

i have the cables and stuff can i format it with the lead?

lizard king
You can also format your SMC using Windows 2000 (worked for me). I also formatted mine in XP and learnt the lesson the hard way :lol:.

</Silently screams/>

**Cough**, All better now. biggrin.gif

Ok, How did you format the SMC ?.

How many SMC`s do you have ?.

Do you have access to a windows 98 machine/computer ?.

Do you have an SMC card reader ?.

Can i scream again ?. tongue.gif

@Drak, He doesn`t need freelauncher, Blu and Blu+ come with the firmware already flashed, So freelauncher is not needed.


yes wise words!!!

thats exactly what he said to me when i asked him!!! (hes a special person) he made my gp32 work and i was so happy and my trousers started to feal tighter!!!( anyone else ever have this problem when the get happy????)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :o :o :o
can anyone tell me why my gp32 manager wont work! it keeps saying that i need to link my gp, but its already linked and turned on and it keeps on saying timed out

i need help

lizard king
well ok your most probable using windows xp or 2000 or something i dont know but if you are then this is what i done when i had this problem....

i borrowed my friends smc...(you may need to buy one in your case...) and i made all the gp32 files on it e.g. GPMM, GPSYS ect ect( remember to make all the files with correct name or it may not work!!!!) then you put a slubman launcher on it on the smc that is working and then you put the smc in the gp32 with the launcher then you run it up(.fxe)then after you pop out the smc and put in the other smc in.(the one that is not working) then you press format and choose the fast option then after that hopefully it will work....

this is the info passed on to me by trooper....

Connect your card reader to a Windows 2000 PC and format using FAT. I had the exact errors when I formatted my SMC in XP. Basically, your GP32 can't read the file system (FAT32) on your SMC.

dosent matter every1 i sussed it out, i just uped the gp32 launcher on the free dvd i got with it all sorted + now i know wot to do when i get a new smc :D

thanks for all the help u guys

lizard king

ps. can any1 help get past the stupid questions on monkey island?
On mine, if the smc isn't readable, the PC-Link window says "BLAH! THIS SMC SUCKS! PRESS SELECT TO RECOVER" or something along those lines. ^_^

It's the original Korean firmware, but I don't think the European one would remove that feature.
lizard_king posted on Apr 28 2005 at 11:05 PM said:
ps. can any1 help get past the stupid questions on monkey island?
If you mean the copy protection, I'm pretty sure any answer should work. ScummVM ignores it.
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ok i can just answer any old answer to the question but how? do i need a keyboard or something or do i just have to change the scumm settings? st wont do anything @ all! :(

Lizard king
lizard_king posted on May 5 2005 at 11:00 PM said:
ok i can just answer any old answer to the question but how? do i need a keyboard or something or do i just have to change the scumm settings? st wont do anything @ all! :(

Lizard king

When the copy protection text box appears for you to enter the answer, Just hold the right shoulder button and push randomly up, down, left and right on the joystick, Thats it.

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kewl thanks for that! :D but it keeps on crashing, is this something to do with it being a downloaded copy? my battery's are new 1's so that shouldnt be a problem,

Thanks for the help

Lizard King B)
lizard_king posted on May 10 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
kewl thanks for that! :D but it keeps on crashing, is this something to do with it being a downloaded copy? my battery's are new 1's so that shouldnt be a problem,

Thanks for the help

Lizard King B)

Have you tried any other games with scummgp, Do they crash aswell ?.

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yes i have tried day of the tentacle and both of the monkey island games and they all crash after a playing for a while is there anything i can do to prevent this?

Lizard King