Dreaming Of Pandoras Future - Open Source Hardware Design

Exophase said:
Seriously this is not what charity means >_> There are some really wrong connotations here.
Charity to Exophase is like Investment to me. Sweet! I feel like we've bonded. I think it's time for a hug. :)
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WizardStan said:
Charity to Exophase is like Investment to me. Sweet! I feel like we've bonded. I think it's time for a hug. :)

Not sure I follow you, do you mean you don't like how people occasionally speak of their Pandora purchases as investments?

'cause I don't like that either.
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Exophase said:
WizardStan said:
Charity to Exophase is like Investment to me. Sweet! I feel like we've bonded. I think it's time for a hug. :)

Not sure I follow you, do you mean you don't like how people occasionally speak of their Pandora purchases as investments?

'cause I don't like that either.
That's the one.
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Alpha2 said:
actually that's what OP did with the beagleboard isnt it?
To my knowledge, no. :P

So it's not really up to OP to open their design anyway since someone could already just grab a BB and bash out their own product too.
But you've got a fair point here, I think.
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