Dragonbox website - errors


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
ED you aware of the dead links on your site?

I just noticed it's got a nice new dark look, but the 'Pandora' menu item links to this:


And the large image of Pandora on the main page links to this:

Yep, working on that right now :)

Upgraded to latest PrestaShop version, which was a lot of work.

I'm not sure about that first issue you had, it happens to me sometimes when I click some link... pressing on Refresh does load the page normally though, but I have no idea why it loads that picture... pretty hard to find out :/

The second missing link was just because I moved the product but not yet the link while I was setting the shop up, should be fixed now as well :)

I still have a lot of work ahead of me to improve the shop, but in case you find any other errors or issues, please let me know here :)
  Just tried to add shipping and the little graphic just spins.  It never actually gets where it's going.  Is there an option to see price in $USD?

   Cheers, & Luck with the transition!
USD is shown on the product pages, I will add it to the cart, etc. as well.

What do you mean you tried to add shipping...?
Ah I see ED, I did think it might just had been in progress but mentioned it just in case :)

Looks nicer in this new dark theme imo.

Seeing as you asked, a little improvement comment... The pagination numbers and [prev]/[next] buttons defined by 'ul.pagination a:hover' colour is currently set to #333, which makes it pretty much invisible against this background colour.

Would look a lot nicer and clearer if was '#e25d1a' to match the main menu colours too.

As shown here:

Ahh, right. Already made a lot of color changes, but there's so much mor left, thanks. Just keep posting stuff like this :)
On "Shipping costs" page light gray cost info is a little hard to read on white background.

Background on the main page should (if possible) also fill all vertical space (now there is a white strip at the bottom of the page when viewing in fullhd
In the Pandora page, no need "ArchLinux-ARM", "Arch Linux" will suffice.

Also, it's "Slackware", not "SlackWare".
It might be a cookie!

When you first logged on (and it thought you're from Germany), it probably set a cookie for that.

Now your language is saved until that cookie is deleted... that's my guess.
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You've got an incorrect image showing on the Replacement Parts screen...

The Platinum case parts are correct.

But the Black parts show an image of the Battery Lid where should be showing the LCD frame.

As shown here:
