I cannot be the only one who loves ED's commentary:
"so let's start". "not really a problem here, it works diagonally, or what you want it to do, it's pretty fast"
"w'oops, that was me", "uh, dunno the level yet to well", "ok let's just go to another game"
"maybe snakes on role [backassward: sorry for this one, not sure what he said]", "Also need to play with diagonals...yes I know... come on start", beep boo beep...
"oops, that was a bit too far", beep boo beep,
"ok, as you can see the dpad working really good, so don't be afraid of any games where you need diagonals", "So that's it for today, just a short video, let's log out... and see you soon"
Edit: I think ED is the shit, he is always entertaining and cool.
Edit2: other than the second game of name I didn't know, this should be an accurate transcribe.