Downloading all PND'sow

wget with the right level of recursion and set to not go outside the repo domain should grab the entire repo, commercial stuff excepted. It'd also pick up all the html, but it's easy enough to clean that out after the event.

Alternatively, the repo does publish its contents via XML as I recall. If you like coding it shouldn't be much work to set up a SAX parser to riffle through the XML and pull out the URLs for the PNDs.
Alternatively, the repo does publish its contents via XML as I recall. If you like coding it shouldn't be much work to set up a SAX parser to riffle through the XML and pull out the URLs for the PNDs.
the repo offers a json api, which works quite well, a simple download all application should be easy. Do not know what the point of it should be (other than to mirror the repo) though (?)

Has really no one but me done this before? It's an included feature in "milky"... No hacking or anything. Of course you only get the games which are free and the ones which you purchased.

And milky is no new app at all, it has existed (with this feature) for probably at least a year.