I have to correct that, it's not dosboxfe: The run scripts in the Dosbox74.pnd overwrite all subdirectories in appdata/dosbox. Among these files the .dboxfe/profile/profile.xml. This again obliterates added .confs which would have to be in the profile.xml. That's how it *seems*, but there are still inconsistencies. *sigh*.
Also, I truly believe every single pnd run_script should per default provide for giving parameters to the app. There are far too many pnds deaf to their callers.
There have been times that the profile.xml has been corrupted for me, but i assumed it was something to do with standby or an improper shutdown. Also dosboxfe will override the conf if you made changes outside that dont match some of its values and you click save.
Oh I feel so wrong. Glad your tight schedule prevented a truly severe loss.
Well, since I didn't find much to that effect, now here's my tutorial for starting dosbox with a defined conf.
1. Make a script in a convenient place, call it runmydosbox.sh or what you like. This'll be the starter script.
/usr/pandora/scripts/pnd_run.sh -p /media/[NAME-OF-SD]/pandora/apps/Dosbox74.pnd -b "dosbox" -e "rundosbox.sh" -a "$@"
You will have to find the path to the Dosbox74.pnd where it is on your system and replace the "/media/NAME-OF-SD/pandora/apps/Dosbox74.pnd" with that, of course.
(You can, of course, put [-a "-conf nc.conf"] in the .sh instead of [-a "$@"] and run it without params. Even more convenient, but less flexible.)
The reasons you're running this: There is some output helping you to decide if this script is working so far. It should run dosbox, but no conf. You can exit out of dosbox.
But, even more important: The appdata directory gets created now. There exists an appdata directory of the "normal" runs, but alas, the script pnd_run.sh does not respect the appdata path in the PXML.xml, and it also doesn't care about the "-d"-Parameter, afaik.
(I consider this a bug, but will try to delve deeper into this before I file it.) This is SuperZaxxonFinal 1.5.1 behaviour, it might change. One day pnd_run.sh might respect the xml or the -d param, and then some cleanup is due.
So atm pnd_run.sh creates a directory with the app-id, nothing else. In this case it's
There was a misunderstanding about the parameters for pnd_run.sh, therefore above part is stricken. You should have an appdata directory:
2. So you go there now and create a conf. My conf example is one for the Norton Commander and named nc.conf.
Just take one conf and modify it to your liking. Interesting lines are:
doskey /insert
mount C DOS_C
3. This conf refers to a file pandora_basemap.txt, which I also create here.
What I'm doing with the mapperfile is mapping the Pandora keyboard with the Dosbox keyboard (so if you use an external keyboard with the Pandora, you should definitely delete that line).
I didn't find a very usable mapper.txt for Pandora on the internet (with the one from the wiki I have to switch keyboard layout to get a colon or a backslash), so I made my own.
It's not perfect and I might continue work on this, but it's in my not very humble opinion already far better than anything available, so here she comes:
./dosbox $*
If I haven't forgotten anything (besides the obvious: you have to adapt [NAME-OF-SD] to the the name (or label) of the SD you're having dosbox on, and of course the autoexec part of your .conf, but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial) you should be able to run your program directly now with a determined conf. Again:
Yay! Norton commander! (And this one understands F10!)
Copy this tutorial as as you like if you keep it intact and my pandora handle (bukkit) attached to this.
If you strip my name and claim it as your work, your pandora nubs will bleed and your life will become even more miserable.
I personally owe a lot to the mentioned Pandora wiki, Pickles' Dosbox74 package, and the dosbox docs.
Other than that, hth, have fun, and play.
Edited 4.09.2012, changed the pandora_basemap. One minor error and A/B/X/Y to the defaults given by xmodmap, Home/End/Page up/Page down, which should be easier to find and modify.
One can argue about several decisions. For example, one cannot change the shift values independent of the normal values. And I don't know who of the developers decided what the shift values of the number keys were (if anyone knows if that Pandora layout is copied from an existing layout, please tell me).
The only way would be writing a dos keyboard layout for that. Interesting, but I probably won't have time for that.
So only some of the values above the numbers will work. You will find most of the Fn-values, though (if Fn-key doesn't work, try Shift + Fn, key). I give you an example:
You need a semicolon in the DOSbox. You type Fn, comma. Fantastic, a semicolon. Now you need a colon. You type Fn, period. Well, again a semicolon. You remember trying shift: You type Shift + Fn, period. Done: A colon.
Yes, both Fn keys are mapped to the same dosbox key. I wanted you to find the value without you having to know that the colon is the shifted semicolon on a standard US keyboard.
Some keys are admittedly hard to find. Tilde, for example, is Fn-shifted on the H (shifted backtick). If you find an elegant solution to that, tell me.
And the brackets are quite mixed up. You find brackets on 9/0, but they're the round ones. So I put the curly and the rectangular brackets on the Fn-E and Fn-R. *Both*. You'll have to delete what disturbs you. Again, if you find a more elegant solution to that, tell me.
And you'll probably want change the A/B/X/Y keys often. (My setup is A-shift, B-Ctrl, Y-up, X-down, I believe.) For this, I refer you to http://pandorawiki.o...o_A.2FB.2FX.2FY .
Alright, enough of that. Try it out and make it better.
4. Still in the appdata directory (/media/[NAME-OF-SD]/pandora/appdata/pickle.dosbox) we need a file rundosbox.sh.
Here you have no choice about name or location. It's the file overlayed over the one in the .pnd, which doesn't transport parameters to the executable.
well seems like a lot of work to run a specific conf.
My typical usage goes like so, there are 2 ways to run dosbox. The first is direct using the shortcut only labeled as dosbox. In the appdata folder once the pnd is run once there will be a folder .dosbox. It will have a default conf in it. If i need to do some manual work like an install or any one time job I use this conf.
If I want to run anything on a regular basis with the same conf I use the dosbox with dboxfe. The gui itself isnt the greatest for conf configuration, but it works well as a launcher. For creating a new conf one can either start one with the gui or manually create one. The manual way requires the profile.xml to be manually editied with the conf name so that it shows in the list.
Once i have a conf ready and showing in the gui I usually edit it outside in mousepad. I make any changes and save. In the gui click on another entry and then back on the one changed to refresh the changes. Then just launch
But be careful not to save the conf in the gui, cause if changes are made that are not recognized by dboxfe it will overwrite them with 'valid' ones. One example is the mapper, anything other then mapper.txt will be replaced.
My typical usage goes like so, there are 2 ways to run dosbox. The first is direct using the shortcut only labeled as dosbox. In the appdata folder once the pnd is run once there will be a folder .dosbox. It will have a default conf in it. If i need to do some manual work like an install or any one time job I use this conf.
Mine had two from the start, and I never found out which one was used. And there's a second directory, .dboxfe, which gets used with dboxfe. Another default conf there. If I want to put in a fourth conf, my conf, and have that being used, that's already too many possibilities and modes of fail for my taste.
If I want to run anything on a regular basis with the same conf I use the dosbox with dboxfe. The gui itself isnt the greatest for conf configuration, but it works well as a launcher. For creating a new conf one can either start one with the gui or manually create one. The manual way requires the profile.xml to be manually editied with the conf name so that it shows in the list.
Once i have a conf ready and showing in the gui I usually edit it outside in mousepad. I make any changes and save. In the gui click on another entry and then back on the one changed to refresh the changes. Then just launch
But be careful not to save the conf in the gui, cause if changes are made that are not recognized by dboxfe it will overwrite them with 'valid' ones. One example is the mapper, anything other then mapper.txt will be replaced.
That was the way I tried first, but I found that dboxfe was clobbering my conf everytime I used it. And I wasn't saving, I used it purely as a launcher. That made me wish to have dboxfe as far out of the way as possible. And I'll probably never touch it again. (An application is entitled to complain, but never to destroy my work. It's a principle.) With dboxfe out of the picture, I was unable to launch a specific conf. And that got me here.
I think your remark about the mapper.txt (didn't know that blunder) is another reason I'll continue to need this. I'll definitely want to start dosboxes with different pad, joystick and keyboard configurations without having to remap keys on every start.
In conclusion: I won't need much of this once
- a. dosbox pnd transfers parameters
- b. run_pnd.sh respects application directories
- c. dboxfe respects conf files and parameters
but even then, there might be helpful background info in this howto which is transferrable to other parts of Pandora work, knowledge I had to earn the hard way, and a decent mapper.txt solving 90% of the problems with the Pandora keyboard in Dosbox posted in these forums. So, yeah, much work, but it definitely paid in my opinion.
well if you think you have a mapper.txt that fixes problems with the default and enables the most key presses for the pandora I will use it in the pnd for the next update.
I had planned for an update since i added the sdl hw scaling and it does help
You're of course very welcome to do so. I'd just like if you gave it a try first and see if you could live with the explained compromises. I also offer to implement changes, if you couldn't. If you'd also modify the rundosbox.sh with "./dosbox $*", that would moot quite a lot of my points.
(I'm also experimenting with an alternative keyboard driver. I'd really love the keyboard mapping to be as good as can be.)
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