Dos Emulation. Other Wishes.


Feb 18, 2007
I think it would be possible to emulate DOS on the GPX2? Than we could play all those awesome dos games! Doom 1/2, Quake, Dark Forces, X-Wing, Tie fighter and many others! Yah I know there is already some of those games for the GPX2 but with a emulator we wouldent need to change the games any!

My other wish is somone make a Real Time strategy engine for the GPX2 just a engine, than people can make there own games with it. Like C&C Red Alert that game is l33t.

Also maybe a Mario level maker? Make levels for Super Mario Bros, the NES one, and save them than you can share them with people and play them on the GPX2 that would be fun! :lol:
Viking posted on Feb 18 2007 at 06:25 PM said:
I think it would be possible to emulate DOS on the GPX2? Then we could play all those awesome dos games! Doom 1/2, Quake, Dark Forces, X-Wing, Tie fighter and many others! Yeah I know some of these games already exist for the GP2X but with an emulator we wouldn't need to change the games any!

My other wish is someone make a Real Time strategy engine for the GP2X just a engine, then people can make there own games with it. Like C&C Red Alert; that game is really fun.

Also maybe a Mario level maker could be developed? Then we could make levels for Super Mario Bros, the NES one, and save them so that you can share them with people and play them on the GP2X. That would be fun! :lol:

I bolded the parts to show how I interpreted your quote. If I misinterpreted it in any way, please let me know.,0,0,0,20,1164,0,0,0,30,1681

Real Time strategy engine
Eh, close enough:

Mario level maker
Supertux comes with a level editor. Maybe you could make some l33t levels on the computer and then play them on your gp2x.
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<_< maybe get a gp2x first before making suggestions of things that already exist for it... just an idea you know...
Sorry, mate. The GP2X actually no longer exists. It was a group delusion temporarily shared by approximately 30,000 odd birds. Things have changed, Ry'leh's obsidian temples loom over us. Goat of A Thousand Young! IA! IA! Shub-Niggurath!

cowai posted on Feb 19 2007 at 01:37 PM said:

Max Payne! Running in a Windows XP emulator on the GP2X? I THINK IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
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saehn posted on Feb 19 2007 at 03:35 AM said:
Sorry, mate. The GP2X actually no longer exists. It was a group delusion temporarily shared by approximately 30,000 odd birds. Things have changed, Ry'leh's obsidian temples loom over us. Goat of A Thousand Young! IA! IA! Shub-Niggurath!

Man I love Cthulhu.
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Cthulu doesn't love you imbeciles. Loving is serving. The ancient ones devour, they do not serve. :ph34r: