Dos Box And Fallout?


Jun 29, 2007
I was wondering how well the :pandora1: could run Fallout 1 + 2? Sort of Checking up on compad hehe. I mean if anybody does not see the perfect touch screen implementation under Dos Box than u may need some help :P
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I'd say it's very much on the fence. Cycles currently reported from dosbox would afaik not suffice, but I doubt we've seen the last of anything yet :)
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It runs in dosbox on psp but far from playable:
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mcobit said:
It runs in dosbox on psp but far from playable:

Then the answer is no. Unless they have made major advancements with Dosbox and haven't said anything. The thread on it had the PSP running Dosbox at 3000 cycles and the Pandora at 2000 cycles.

Edit: Sorry TylerAW, I didn't proof read and missed a 0. So the PSP is at 3000 cycles, not 300, and the Pandora is currently 2000 (without any further info).
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I was asking about the Pandora running it not the PSP, and if the Pandora can do almost 6x the cycles than why wouldn't it be playable?!
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TylerAW said:
I was asking about the Pandora running it not the PSP, and if the Pandora can do almost 6x the cycles than why wouldn't it be playable?!
Please re-read my post, I missed a 0.

So the PSP is 3000 cycles, not 300. Further info: The estimate is an equivalent Dosbox speed to a high end 386 or maybe low end 486. Fallout 1's minimums is a Pentium.
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If you guys read through some of the previous discusions, i think where warcraft 2 was tried you will find that djwillis tried it and it didnt run fast enough.
OMG Why the hell is it 1000 cycles behind?! Geeze really makes me not want to get a Pandora :(
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'TylerAW' said:
OMG Why the hell is it 1000 cycles behind?!
I'm just guessing, but it's probably because the PSP has had a lot of time in market for dedication from many different sources towards optimizations, whereas the Pandora hasn't been released yet and the DosBox port is a work-in-progress by a single person.
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Well ok I guess it is a work in progress, is the Pandoras CPU hard to code for?
'TylerAW' said:
Well ok I guess it is a work in progress, is the Pandoras CPU hard to code for?
Dosbox probably doesn't make use of any of the Pandora's extra chips just yet. I'm sure the DSP and SGX can be used for something.

Once the devs have actual release hardware, they'll probably add some spiffy arm assembly to it.
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Kramy said:
'TylerAW' said:
Well ok I guess it is a work in progress, is the Pandoras CPU hard to code for?
Dosbox probably doesn't make use of any of the Pandora's extra chips just yet. I'm sure the DSP and SGX can be used for something.

Once the devs have actual release hardware, they'll probably add some spiffy arm assembly to it.
Also using NEON instructions can give speed benefits for float-heavy applications.

EDIT: typo
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'Kramy' said:
Dosbox probably doesn't make use of any of the Pandora's extra chips just yet. I'm sure the DSP and SGX can be used for something.
Dropping the sound code onto the DSP makes a lot of sense to me. It seems like soft synth would be something it would be good at. Current code base puts all the sound synthesis on the CPU, and if you've played around with some games, you might note that sometimes turning the music off can make a lot of difference in playability.
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'Pickle' said:
If you guys read through some of the previous discusions, i think where warcraft 2 was tried you will find that djwillis tried it and it didnt run fast enough.
That surprises me, the video showing off Warcraft 2 looked fine to me. But there may have been things not shown which were more taxing on the hardware.
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Just for the hell of it I moved over my Fallout 1 install to an SD and gave it a blast with DOSBox, about 6-7 mins to load and lets just say, you will die of boredom before the Master and the Super Mutants get you wink.gif.

I am not using the Pandora DOSBox that Pickle is working on, just a quick compile I did. Maybe I will retry with that at some point. As an aside, it's a lot quicker then on the PSP, just still totally dire and unplayable biggrin.gif.

Oh well, back to working on the images but it was a fun distraction (well actually back to sorting out Christmas rubbish but I have to give the impression of doing something wink.gif).

This is what djwillis says.
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