Doom V10 Blu +!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Alriiiiiiight well after months of waiting and admittely, harrassing Craig a bit :D he's finally answered the prayers of the BLU+ screwed and given us a compatible version of Doom V10!!! Well that about seals it for me... every app or game I personally wanted for my GP now works fine on my BLU+.

Craig - many thanks and... sorry that I was naggin about it but... hey no one else seemed to even mention caring one way or the other and playing Doom 2 and 64 were a big deal to me... :-P

Question (seriously just a question, not griping here), what happened with saving and loading? Is it something that can be fixed easily (hopefully)?

no yet I guess :( Doom without load/save seems like fish without water to me, but I believe it can be fixed ... :) Keep my fingers crossed. And big thanx to Craig.
PiNa1971 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 08:04 AM said:

no yet I guess :( Doom without load/save seems like fish without water to me, but I believe it can be fixed ... :) Keep my fingers crossed. And big thanx to Craig.

This fact just hit me as well as I played for an hour straight and realized that to stop made it all for naught. Fish without water indeed. Ah well, it is good progress, and I'll be the save thing isn't going to be hard to fix, hopefully now that Craig found some time to fix the BLU+, finding time to fix the saves will not be too hard.
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bast525 - I posted more information about the save/load problem at I spoke to craig last night and we tried one or two changes but no luck so craig is going to speak to rob.

In the meantime I will be doing some little fixes here and there from some suggestions in the above topic. Might be another release later today so keep an eye on it.
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Guyfawkes posted on Feb 2 2005 at 12:30 PM said:
bast525 - I posted more information about the save/load problem at I spoke to craig last night and we tried one or two changes but no luck so craig is going to speak to rob.

In the meantime I will be doing some little fixes here and there from some suggestions in the above topic. Might be another release later today so keep an eye on it.

Great, hopefully a better gamma setting is on the list too to get deeper contrast on the BLU too.

Thanks again.
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DaveC > Despite the respect I have for you, I never understood why it was a problem for you, I think gamma is just perfect in GP Doom. :unsure:
no I agree with DaveC, the two gamma settings available on DoomGP do both leave the graphics looking kinda faded or washed out. I prefer the PC brightness setting over the GP enhanced, myself, but the whole thing could use a bit more contrast and dark blacks. Nothing that keeps you from playing or enjoying the game, mind you.
DaveC > Hmm I see... I just tested PC Brightness and yes colours are better right, I never tried that. :)

Forgive me. :)
Drumaster posted on Feb 2 2005 at 07:37 PM said:
DaveC > Hmm I see... I just tested PC Brightness and yes colours are better right, I never tried that. :)

Forgive me. :)

I am glad everyone is comming to their senses and realizing that I am right :P

Poorly set gamma is a big deal to me as it diminishes the graphical "punch" that could be had. I have done computer artwork in the past and I am sensitive to it. I see it very often any many just don't understand it. It is just like when someone sets their TV too bright making black a grey so in night scenes it is like you are looking through fog, and people actually think it looks good that way :blink:

The problem is that the black level is set too high (making it grey) causing a faded, washed out, muddy look. It is almost like you are playing on a FLU when in fact you are playing on a BLU. When this was first made there was no BLU so it was likely tweaked for the dimmer NLU/FLU.

To see this effect load up the Duke Nukem wad and look at the beginning with the night sky and stars. You will see that the sky is a muddy grey and not black making it look poor on the BLU.

There should be a setting where black is TOTALLY black (RGB value of 0,0,0) and the other colours to spread up from there and true white should be at the absolute maximum. This mode should be added to the current 2 modes making 3 and the setting could be called "BLU enhanced".

I have told the coders responsible (Craig, Guyfawkes) and I am not sure they believe me though. It should be a relatively easy setting as it is a matter of tweaking the settings they already have to make a third high contrast setting. I have offered Guyfawkes my services to help tweak this setting too.

Drumaster, since you test Doom for him maybe you can help tweak the settings, I am completely willing to take the time to do it and get it just right as well. Any help with this would be great as that is the only "downer" for me with Doom is the washed out poor contrast.
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Guyfawkes posted on Feb 3 2005 at 01:08 PM said:
Sorry DaveC, I have been busy with other stuff. I will look into sorting out the colours next week when I have some more free time.

That is cool, thanks again for your great work.
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