Doom 2 Pwads?

xboxit posted on May 26 2004 at 10:44 PM said:
is there any other way to get it plus, my star wars one sayes loading for about 5 mins before i turned it off.
From a shop?
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spray posted on May 26 2004 at 07:36 PM said:
the only gp32 doom file to run on its own is the half life wad created for a gbax compo, available from
Thats not true. Personally I'm not a fan of the origional Doom, but I sure do like Goldeneye which is a buid of Doom II, so you wont need the origional wad to run that. You can also run pwads with it as well. I reccomend it; cant dig up the link but if you do a bit of seaching for the goldeneye wad you'll find it
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xboxit posted on May 26 2004 at 11:40 PM said:
My star wars one gets an error and i am using doom1.wad.
That is because that is the shareware doom1 wad, that won't work. You need the full version. You can find the WAD file on the PC version of Doom. I got mine for $10.00 at CompUsa on a CD. Just copy the DOOM2.WAD from the CD and put it on the SMC.
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It's not legal to distribute merged wad because it contains doom2.wad.
You have to have original doom2.wad to run them in PWADS, that's all.
And normal WADS are less convenient than PWADS that allow to have as many of them as your smc can carry.
I thought Star Wars would work with Doom shareware but apparently it doesn't. :(

When I get my GP32, I'll try to fix that because without GP32 I can't really test my PWADS (I do it on PC Doom for the moment). ;)
xboxit posted on May 26 2004 at 10:44 PM said:
is there any other way to get it plus, my star wars one sayes loading for about 5 mins before i turned it off.

EDITed by EvilDragon: ---<insert your favourite game store here>--- ;)
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