Don't Write Off The 8 Bit Computers!


Forbidden forrest was a bizzare game.
I think the C64 version of Ms. PacMan was one of the best, unfortunately it screws up sometimes as you fall through the maze.
BaDToaD posted on Oct 17 2004 at 01:16 PM said:
@ Concept. If you get stuck ask mate. There are plenty of people here that will give you a helping hand.

PS. Cheeseman I like your avatar it's from Alley Cat on the Atari 8bit (or another 8bit version) for those that didn't know. :)

I think its from the IBM / PC version, which was class. I still play it now !!!

There where some superb 8bit games. Ocean and Codemasters made some classics it has to be said. - some cool games there.

I was a speccy man myself although mates of mine had cpc464/6128 and c64's

Speccy Games :

Way of the exploding fist
target renegade
Opertation Wolf
Head over heals
All the Dizzy Games
Any Horrace game
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DaveC posted on Oct 19 2004 at 02:26 AM said:

Forbidden forrest was a bizzare game.

uhhh... I remember that one. That game was creepy - Seriously, It gave me nightmares... And like all c64 games, it has one of those soundtracks that somehow stick with you.... FOREVER!

I might as well draw attention to another great c64 game - Samurai Warrior (like my avatar).
Also "The Last Ninja" is worth to check out for some breathtaking scenary (for the time) - Allthough you might have to find a version with a trainer, since the game can be very frustrating otherwise.

Again both games has kickass soundtracks - but then again, you'll have to think very hard to come up with a c64-game that doesn't.
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Head the ball: A great platform game.

Bumpy: A classic bouncing ball platform/puzzle game that kept me and a load of mates hooked for ages, And i mean ages.

All the dizzy adventure games: Classics in their own right.

Atic atac: Much better than wizards lair imo.

What the...? You forgot to mention Turrican 1&2 !!! :o
The coolest platformer ever ! Well, the coolest version of it was on Amiga, but the C64 version rockz too.
Parodius is sure great too.
V3X posted on Oct 17 2004 at 08:34 AM said:
yeah ok, u ppl should really try nemesis 1-3 on msx as well as alesteeggerland mystery 1-2, knightmare 1-2, metal gear 1-2, parodius and vampire killar. all r great games! :)

I feel asleep!

Personally, I haven't been lucky enough to try these emulators yet, but I plan to very soon because I just cleared an SMC for them. :)
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Hurrah! My post claims it's first victim... er... I mean success ;)

Have fun shinneri :)

BTW you can get a huge amount of 8 bit games on one SMC. My Atari 800 and c64 directories combined come to about 12 meg for quite a healty amount of games :)
frolik posted on Oct 22 2004 at 12:25 AM said:
erm... I have a 128mb smc dedicated to C64... but thats just me :P

Hahaha... soon as I get some more cards, there will definitely be a c64 only one :)
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shinneri posted on Oct 22 2004 at 12:28 AM said:
Should I have the chatboard to use these emulators?

You don't need one as the emulators have on screen keyboard type features. I don't have a chatboard myself but I imagine it would make text adventures and the like much easier to play.

When you're playing an arcade game you might have to bring up the on screen keyboard, press 1 to start game then turn off the on screen keyboard and from there on you use the joystick.

A lot of games are press fire to start too so you don't even need to access the on screen keyboard at all. Some cracked games have intros especially on the c64 but for those you usually just press space and as the b button on the GP32 has been mapped to space in Frodo you can just press that. :)
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frolik posted on Oct 18 2004 at 09:10 AM said:
thanks gaterooze, there are a few games there I hadn't tried - always after new C64 recommendations  :D
That list was like a list of my "most thumbed disks" back in the day!

frolik posted on Oct 18 2004 at 09:10 AM said:
I have a few lesser known gems that work on Frodo to let you know about;

Blagger - Like manic miner but better imo
Blagger was, incidentally the very first game I was ever bought (bought at the same time as my Acorn Electron was purchased... more than 18 years ago!).  I didn't like it very much to start with, and soon got hold of Guardian (by the same software company).  I eventually moved my attentions back to Blagger after getting so good at Guardian that I almost couldn't be killed.  Suddenly I "got it" and realised how good the game was.

Elite came out soon after, and I only got to about level 5!

Supremacy was a good strategy game for the C64.
Exile was another good game ported from the BBC Micro to C64 (though I never played the full C64 version (only the demo)).
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ColinR posted on Oct 22 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
Blagger was, incidentally the very first game I was ever bought (bought at the same time as my Acorn Electron was purchased... more than 18 years ago!).  I didn't like it very much to start with, and soon got hold of Guardian (by the same software company). 

It was so horribly slow though - and you needed to be pixel perfect with the jumps, which OK was the same as Manic Miner, but on the BBC/Electron they used Mode2/5 which meant the pixels were huge!

Magic Mushrooms was much better... (IMHO)
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I've got right into blagger since I got my gp32, like ColinR says, once you 'got it' the game really begins to shine and it doesn't seem like it needs pixel perfect jumps to me, like some other games.
@ gaterooze. Having read your games list and seen that Gribblys special day out was on there I decided to try to get the damn thing to work on my GP32. It's one of my all time fave games. It's just so original. Anyway after a couple of attempts I found a working t64 file and it loads and runs ok but the collision detection is so far off that the game is unplayable :( Do you have this problem and if not what frodo version have you tried it on. I've tried 9 and 12/12pc.
I just tried getting gribblys working and had the same prob as you, I've even tried dumping a state using the action replay in ccs64 and tried it but it has the same collision problems unfortunately.

Haven't located a copy of "gribblys special day out" though which may work - although it would probably have mostly the same code as the original
Bugger. I tried four different cracks and they all had the same sprite problem (which also plagues Dropzone). So I guess it's an emulation thang. Oh well. Hopefully it works some day :) Plenty of other games to play until then so I'm not complaining!
I tied several files myself yesterday. I even saved a .t64 image from my Amiga 64 emulator as a .c64 file and it still had the same problem. Must be the code itself :( Damn I love that game too.

Thanks for looking though people. :)