Donating to the people in New Orleans

Okay, but elaboration doesn't equal bullshit, and even if it did, there's still a main focus of whatever it is I was typing about, so it's still not entirely bullshit. And what the hell's wrong with elaborating anyway? Like I said, I want to make sure that everybody understands me perfectly.
Klown posted on Sep 3 2005 at 07:06 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 3 2005 at 06:59 PM said:
If you haven't yet figured out that I like to elaborate on things, then you're obviously a moron.
I think that's where my inital flame came from. I'm very astute like that.

When you state some cookie-cutter opinion and don't back it up with anything, you're just flaming. There is such a thing as being concise, and there is such a thing as being useless. :ph34r:
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Magus 86 posted on Sep 3 2005 at 03:56 AM said:
"string of bullshit"...

"UH-OH! Magus stated his opinion! DAMN HIM! OPINIONS ARE BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! BULLSHIT, I SAY!!!!"

Please excuse me for being "boring." I didn't realize that the sole purpose of my coming here was to entertain you, almighty Klown. Please forgive me, your highness, for next time I will be sure to amuse you because that's my job. And I'll try not to explain myself anymore because it's awesome when people don't communicate well enough so that everybody understands exactly what they wanted to say and exactly where they're coming from. Ignorance and stupidity are so cool, aren't they?

Let's analyze this...

"You have no reason to respect a bunch of assholes."

Yes, that is pure bullshit in its most potent form, is it not? I mean it's always a good idea to be really nice to people who do things you don't like to you. Like when some guy attacks my car with a baseball bat for no reason, I should go up to him and say "hey, buddy, how ya doin? Thanks for attacking my car like that, it was really cool. Feel free to beat the shit out of my car anytime."

"I have nothing against homosexuals, and I think that they should be treated like everybody else"

Once again, pure bullshit. I really DO hate them and think they should be treated like slaves or rats. I just said that I have nothing against them because I really want people to think my opinions are different than they really are. What a clever person you must be to have caught me in the act of being dishonest, Klown! You truly are a great detective. Watch out, Sherlock, Klown is the new detective on the block, and he's about to take your place!

Do you realize how much of a fuckin idiot you are?

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i would like to say how the uk loves to rally the troops and help out wherever needs help, however as a country ourselves we are so slow to help our own poor and deprived and also needy and especially the homeless - president bush by ordering shoot to kill on his own people is absolutely diabolical.
get him gone people of the usa then i will be donating - its a real shame it really is and i feel bad for the people caught up in it but and i know this sounds terrible now guys but i would rather help someone in the same need here in the uk as whenever we have any probs such as flooding etc what country comes to aid the uk? we were stupid to even listen to bush with iraq and now in light of the kyoto agreement where president bush doesnt believe co2 affects weather so will not adhere to any restrictions put upon the country the weather bites back, he knew what was coming he simply didnt care about getting emergency and contingency plans in place to help his own people. does bush have a clue?? maybe we should be thinking of a environmentally carbon free touch screen from an environmentallly friendly and eco friendly member state that actuall has sense to elect a head of state that actually has some kind of respect for its people.
Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Sep 3 2005 at 12:05 AM said:
I'm no devout religious man, but I do have some beliefs that correspond to different religions.

As far Creation vs. Evolution goes:
I believe that "the higher power" set in motion the Big Bang, the formation of matter, and the beginning of life, but beyond that I support evolution for the most part.

While I disregard the majority of the ten commandments but I do believe stongly in .
the following 2:
Thou shall not Kill
Thou shall honor thy Mother and Father
I'm a pacifist and think that using lethal force for any reason is inmoral. Family is extremely important to me, and I plan on caring for my parents in their old age if I can.
As far as helping people goes: I say fuck the rich and powerful and do what you can to help those less fornate.

God's Purpose:
I believe that "the higher power" can take any form it chooses, and can attempt to influence people though visions or the followers of those who have had such visions. But I believe that all sentient life-forms have free will.

My opinion of other's views:
As long they don't try to shove it down people thoats I have no problem with people who opinions differ from mine. I think that the 1st amendment is the most important law in america and it should be uphold reqardless. I have nothing against homosexuals and same-sex marriage, and i think that marriage should be defined by the individuals views and not by the government.

Oh I see you realize that religeon is bullshit, but you still want to believe in fairy tales so you made up your own :rolleyes:

Support Evolution "for the most part"? You need to read more, evolution is basically scientific fact.

And where is your evidence other than your arse from where you retrieved your "theory" ;)

The ten commandments? Those are just simple things that everyone basically knows anyway. Any good person will follow those things on their own, even when they know that they aren't commandments from any supernatural being. "thou shalt not kill" Well duh, no shit sherlock! And people need to spend their sunday morning in a big building with stained glass while parroting back the same crap over and over to get that concept? Hmm.
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tommymordecai posted on Sep 4 2005 at 03:43 PM said:
i..we were stupid to even listen to bush with iraq and now in light of the kyoto agreement where president bush doesnt believe co2 affects weather so will not adhere to any restrictions put upon the country the weather bites back, he knew what was coming he simply didnt care about getting emergency and contingency plans in place to help his own people. does bush have a clue??


Of course he doesn't have a clue. That is why we say he is an IDIOT!! I am in the US and I loathe that mother fucker. I say he is an idiot, my friends say he is an idiot, HE IS AN IDIOT!

Ok I feel better now :P
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Not that I really care but I wonder what it is you consider "scientific fact" a bunch of old geezers
sitting arround making up J-random shit about how the fuck we ended up here.


First billions of years ago the earth was created from a spot of nothingness in space that exploded creating vast ammounts of matter out of nothing. Then it swirled arround for a
hundred milion years and befan to take form then eventually became the rock we call
earth. Then after millions and millions of years it began to rain anf it rained and rained for hundreds of thousands of years. then the rain collected in pools and BLAM life,,,,,,,,billion years later......MAN WTF. I am not a preacher, nor do I care much for religion. BUT the theory of evolution is as much a religion as creationism. And there are as many different views on it as there are on different theories of creation. After all evolution is just one of them.

NEITHER have any REAL viable FACTS, and lets not go into Darwin's theories as supporting for evolution, his manuscripts are about Survival af the fittest, not Arrival of the fittest.

Your saying that evolution is basicially scientific fact is STUPID and totaly ignorant of what science is. The study of life and our sorroundings throught the sorcratic method, hypothesize theorize and prove. NOTHING has been proven NOTHING.

Both are faith driven one on a GOD the other on HUMAN, who is the real superior being?

Oh and on a side again not that it really matters, Gay's ought to be lined up and shot.
It sounds to me like most of you are a bunch of butt hurt liberals, pissed because the RIGHT
is winning a political battle and the majority of americans really don't give a fuck what goes on in their country.
i do feel very sorry for ALL in New Orleans, everytime i watch the news its horrible but at the same time there are terrible things going on ALL over the world, Even here in the UK,

The US has enough money & supplies to cope but bush just doesn't seem that intrested, it took 4 days for him to even decide what to do to help!

I would donate all i could but theres too many countrys & organisations that need money & support, i would even give money to PDSA!
this shows how much i hate bush. He just doent care. theres one picture of him hugging one girl; yes, ONE girl through this whole fucking ordeal.

There are people sitting in their feces and living in urine, and hes not doing enough to stop it. There are children and toddlers being raped by gang members and people being shot and killed, and he's not doing enough to stop it. There are people being put into morgues TO DIE, and he couldnt give 2 shits about it. The only way our country would be OK is if someone were to assassinate his ass.

We are the wealthiest country in the world and there's a pandemic going on in our own city. The entire state is dying. This is a complete and utter disaster :( :(
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Sep 8 2005 at 02:59 PM said:
this shows how much i hate bush. He just doent care. theres one picture of him hugging one girl; yes, ONE girl through this whole fucking ordeal.

There are people sitting in their feces and living in urine, and hes not doing enough to stop it. There are children and toddlers being raped by gang members and people being shot and killed, and he's not doing enough to stop it. There are people being put into morgues TO DIE, and he couldnt give 2 shits about it. The only way our country would be OK is if someone were to assassinate his ass.

We are the wealthiest country in the world and there's a pandemic going on in our own city. The entire state is dying. This is a complete and utter disaster :( :(

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I'm not about to say that he's a good president or anything, but it's not really all his fault. I mean, it's not like he could personally stand there and guard every single person to make sure everything's okay or anything like that... However, I'm sure there's SOMETHING he could do with all the damn money he has to help these people. Maybe he's already doing something, but I doubt it. If he is, I haven't heard about it.


"First billions of years ago the earth was created from a spot of nothingness in space that exploded creating vast ammounts of matter out of nothing. Then it swirled arround for a
hundred milion years and befan to take form then eventually became the rock we call
earth. Then after millions and millions of years it began to rain anf it rained and rained for hundreds of thousands of years. then the rain collected in pools and BLAM life,,,,,,,,billion years later......MAN WTF. I am not a preacher, nor do I care much for religion. BUT the theory of evolution is as much a religion as creationism. And there are as many different views on it as there are on different theories of creation. After all evolution is just one of them.

NEITHER have any REAL viable FACTS, and lets not go into Darwin's theories as supporting for evolution, his manuscripts are about Survival af the fittest, not Arrival of the fittest.

Your saying that evolution is basicially scientific fact is STUPID and totaly ignorant of what science is. The study of life and our sorroundings throught the sorcratic method, hypothesize theorize and prove. NOTHING has been proven NOTHING.

Both are faith driven one on a GOD the other on HUMAN, who is the real superior being?

Oh and on a side again not that it really matters, Gay's ought to be lined up and shot.
It sounds to me like most of you are a bunch of butt hurt liberals, pissed because the RIGHT
is winning a political battle and the majority of americans really don't give a fuck what goes on in their country. "


First of all... we have proof of mutations occuring. Mutation = evolution. The way most people look at evolution is that there were a bunch of one animal, and then one day, another completely different animal just spawned from the original animal. It doesn't work that way. It's not like a modern human baby just popped out of an ape one day. Mutation occurs very slowly, so it takes a long period of time, and there have been about 10 different species that are classified as humans. It took a long fuckin time to become what we are now. The reason you no longer see these in-between species is because they're extinct now, and the same goes for any other in-between species, not just with humans. They're dead and gone because they were failed mutations. They changed in a way that made it harder for them to survive, and they couldn't handle it.

Now I can't explain exactly how or why these mutations take place... I can't explain how or why life began on this planet. I can't explain how or why life really works, but we know that our bodies are made up of a lot of different elements which we can identify, but if you were to go out and collect the right amounts of each element that make up the average adult human body, you wouldn't have a human. You'd have a collection of different elements. Just because we can't find an explanation at this point doesn't mean that there isn't one or there won't be one. We just have to find it. And that's the way it's always been. Usually when there's no scientific explanation available, someone makes up some mythical bullshit explanation. That, and an attempt to control people, is essentially what religion is. The Big Bang theory sounds extremely retarded too, by the way, which I'm sure you already know. I fail to see how a big pile of NOTHING can explode and create SOMETHING. That makes no more sense than the fact that some supreme being somehow created everything out of nowhere simply because he felt like it. And what makes even less sense about the whole thing is if he created everything, he would have to have created himself. But if he didn't exist, he had no power to create anything. You can't create yourself. Nothing can. It defies logic.

And as far as your comment on homosexuals is concerned... No, I'm not a "butt-hurt" liberal who's pissed because the NUTBAGS are winning a political battle. I actually care about what happens to other people in terms of whether or not what's going on is fair. Sure it sucks that the hurricane caused a lot of destruction and that people died as a result, but I really don't care all that much. I'm not sitting here crying about it, I don't really feel bad. I have a hard time making a connection like that and feeling sad about people I don't know and have never heard of. And it's not like someone caused the hurricane and is just being an asshole to them. I'm more pissed off about how a lot of them aren't being helped like they should... That's fuckin stupid. You know damn well if some rich city was hit by a hurricane, they'd have those people out of there in 10 seconds, and that's bullshit. I think that everybody deserves the same treatment until he or she fucks up, no matter who the person is.

About Bush hugging the girl... I don't see why that pisses anybody off... the fact that he's only hugging one girl and not hugging anybody else, I mean. It's not like a hug really helps anybody, and I wouldn't expect him to go around hugging every single person who was affected by the hurricane. I wouldn't expect anybody to do that because what's the point? He should be making sure that the people are taken care of, not hugging them.
Klown posted on Sep 8 2005 at 07:12 AM said: Read a lot of that. CASE. CLOSED.

I much prefer this website. Any questions you may have are answered there, both about evolution and the big bang.

Magus 86: mutation occurs because of radiation. In fact, mutation in our DNA occurs all of the time, but there are enzymes in our bodies who double-check DNA, so most of the mutations are fixed. However, a few do get through, and some of these are harmfull (cancer). Mutations can also occur in embryo DNA, except that in that case the change is more noticeable because ALL cells in that future person will have that mutation (if it happens early enough). Read a decent biology text - it'll make it all clear. :ph34r:

As for evolution not being a fact - only in the same way that gravity is not a fact. Why do you think there's no cure for the common cold? There have also been laboratory experiments that showed speciation (there was one that was done over a period of 30 years with sponges, placing the same types of sponges in two different environments. After 30 years, they could no longer breed with each other, which means speciation).

As for the "nothing has been proven" argument - it's completely useless. I refuse to believe that the world exists. You say it does? Prove it! See, that kind of thinking leads us nowhere. link
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