Does anyone actually use Bluetooth with their phones?


Still Fresh
Sep 18, 2012
A long time ago i came to the realization that bluetooth is pretty wortheless for file transfers and things of the like. When i learned the protocol found a nice home with voice transfer i thought to myself, "good for you bluetooth, good for you". A few days ago i was introduced to a bluetooth headset. While utter disgust in bt had me reluctant i tried the headset out with my iphone. I used the Plantronics M155 headset as my coworker told me i need to "experience my phone life handsfree". Hes the kind of ass hat that walks around with the thing in his ear 24/7. But i washed out the ear gel and stuffed it in my ear, the pairing, was super easy and the connection was very clear, and then it dawned on me that all phones should be made this way....hands free connection to the phone is amazing! The headset was also optimized for iOS which made it pairing and using a lot easier than other option from what i my question to you all, is do you use bluetooth headsets? I would love to hear the good, the bad and the ugly in regard to your experience with bt headsets...
Cannot get on with them, have a Jabra one from work to use in car but I don't bother, prefer to just reach for the loudspeaker button if I'm on road.

I do sometimes use my BT speaker to throw music at from my phone, louder than the built in speaker

might be usefull in some situations like when your driving or when your lying in bed...

wait!! uhh.... is this spam? xD
Nicest, most clear concise and sensible bot I've ever seen.

I use bluetooth on my cellphone as a preferred method of talking. I can't use most mono earpieces as they fall out or don't fit comfortably.

Have found these:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1097&bih=582&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10811660575288065787&sa=X&ei=aeVZUOTuHrKH0QGR8oGgBw&ved=0COYBEPMCMAo

The earbud attachments work wonderfully, audio is deep, clear and has real range. You'll see what I mean if listening to them, they also have a built in EQ button.

Works fine with the Pandora too, with XMMS and my bluetooth fiddlings here:

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Well actually, I've been utilizing the Bluetooth file transfer from my Galaxy Note to Pandora a fair bit recently. Works very nicely in SZx1.51 (thanks Notaz).
i've been using a Nokia BT501 bluetooth headset for years. first with my ipaq 4700 then with a nokia ph and recently with the iPhone that work gave me. great sound. would still be using them if the kids hadnt broken them last wekend.... doh!!!
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