Do You Have A Gp32? Want Memory Cards?


Well-Known Member
Here's it is:
I was looking for a microsd card when I stumbled upon this. Only $60 American! Get 'em quick while they last! :eek: :eek: :D
A GP32 just went on Ebay for 10 more dollars, with a 128MB card and a bunch of other stuff.
I was thinking of getting it, but I don't need it.
Thats pretty expensive. I found my 128mb cards for like $5 when I bought them a year ago.

EDIT: Has the price really shot up that much?
media cards like those are really hard to find nowadays... still... I'd rather spend the money on a GP2X hehe
Wow, I thought I'd get a better response. 128MB cards used to go for a lot more on ebay. :rolleyes: