Do we have an issue tracker?


Still Fresh
Jul 5, 2014
Antwerpen, Belgium
Git access is great, and I see some issues are being discussed here and on IRC I guess. Still, do we have an issue tracker? Because I think it would be helpful to contribute to the OS and kernel development if there is some TODO list somewhere.
Still think that the Pyra Bugtracker should be separate from the Pandora one..

at least for now.
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We don't have one yet as we're currently working on setting up the OS and so far basically only Nikolaus (gta04) is working on the kernel.

I want to setup one soon. Do you have any recommendation for a good working bugtracker that's not too complicated for a normal user?
Using github would probably not be a bad idea, as it also raises visibility of the project. Just be shure to have a backup of everything on there somewhere else (is it possible to export issue tracker data in a usable format?) - just needs a rubbish DMCA takedown notice to shut down your project (see recent Qualcomm fuckup)...
I second github. Its issue tracker is easy enough, commits and issues can refer to each other, and directly kernel related things can be documented in its own wiki.

so far basically only Nikolaus (gta04) is working on the kernel.

Is Nikolaus double7?
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