gpengine comes in a fpk file. Do I just install it with pc-link or can i just put it in the gpmm directory? Also, am i supposed to put the roms in the gpengine directory in gpmm?
I believe FPK files are for installing, yes. just use PC-Link.. And by default GPEngine looks for roms in /GPMM/GPEngine/ so just make a GPEngine folder in your GPMM folder and then throw your roms in there. (You don't have to have your roms in that folder, if they aren't, GPEngine will show your Dirs so you can find the folder. But to save that step just make the folder above)
ON firefly's site (geepee32) he has an fpk extracter that has a gui, so you can use a card reader\writer with the fpk. Altought there's an fxe version on his site.