Difference between black/platinum case


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Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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Is the difference between the black and platinum case only the color or are there any advantages having the platinum case (it's newer, maybe enhanced in some spots)?

If someone else than ED knows, I don't mind you answering this ;-)

(yes I am aware that in ED's shop the black cases are scratched)
I think there were minor changes to the lid/hinge to prevent the cracking that occurred on most black units over time. 
Yep, some support pegs and bridges were added in differenr areas to prevent the cracking.
I like how the black looks, but in this case I think I might go for the more durable platinum one.

I also need to replace the lcd cable, but I'll just do it myself.

Not sure if I will use the case, as I only want a stylus. But if I replace the lcd, I just might do the whole case also...

( the stylus is also sold separately, but as I might want the new case so than I would have two stylus and double shipping).