Deus Ex


Still Fresh
May 14, 2008
Hey, I haven't been able to find a post regarding this so I thought I would open it up and see what response I get (good or bad)

Is it possible that Deus Ex could be ported to the Pandora ?

I have fond memories playing this and would like the portable opportunity to play this through again.

Sorry if this is a daft question and is completely out of scope for the Pandora. But if you don't ask......


ReZ :ph34r:
I was wondering if this game was out on the PS1 but it turns out that it was the PS2 :( . We wont be getting a usable PS2 emulator, I don't think that the PC game will work with dosbox either. There is a linux version in development but I don't think/know if the source is available;

Also It states that an x86 processor is needed. Also according to the requirements on the version I got it says you need direct x so I think we could be out of luck :( .
Lokigames is dead. Last announcement on their site tells "we are closing" and it's dated 2001. Sorry but no way we get DeusEx playable on Pandora :/ :\

... Unless something REALLY weird happens.
MDave said:
It's also based on the Unreal 1 engine ... so pretty much impossible.
(UT engine by the way.)
Impossible to become Open Source soon enough maybe, but not impossible to port. UT and Rune were ported to Linux.
Schbirid said:
MDave said:
It's also based on the Unreal 1 engine ... so pretty much impossible.
(UT engine by the way.)
Impossible to become Open Source soon enough maybe, but not impossible to port. UT and Rune were ported to Linux.

Fallen for the trap card, hah! :lol:

UT engine is based on the Unreal 1 engine ;)

Two can play the smart alec game :P
lee said:
I was wondering if this game was out on the PS1 but it turns out that it was the PS2 :( . We wont be getting a usable PS2 emulator, I don't think that the PC game will work with dosbox either. There is a linux version in development but I don't think/know if the source is available;

Also It states that an x86 processor is needed. Also according to the requirements on the version I got it says you need direct x so I think we could be out of luck :( .

considering the way the ps2 works, and because of that even quad core gaming systems struggle to get a playable frame rate. a ps2 emulator is just plain impossible for the pandora.

fyi the ps2 is a 'just in time' system. aka large pipes but very small buckets(buffer) which means LOTS of bandwidth moving data from one part to another like from the dvd to the cpu. just not much storage space at each part. a computer is just the opposite.
Truekaiser said:
considering the way the ps2 works, and because of that even quad core gaming systems struggle to get a playable frame rate.

If your reffering to PCSX2, then your wrong, unless you happen to have tested an special build.

Let me explain. PCSX2 was firstly designed for use on single core pc's, and even then only supports up to Dual-Core. So even though you got an Quad-Core gaming system, the emulator will use just 2 of them if you have the DC mode turned on.

Im not saying its better to have Dual-Core than Quad, but the only advantage Quad-Core would have atm is better multitasking.

RAM is also an issue btw.

And i know this because i hang out on their forums alot, reading quite a bit of the threads and sometimes replying to em, and im just fascinated by PCSX2 (^-^)
Fallen for the trap card, hah! :lol:
are you joking? i thought i escaped that when i switched of the tv :D

oh, and who needs UT when you've got the quake series. :wink:

it's a kick-ass engine, don't go past it.
Truekaiser said:
fyi the ps2 is a 'just in time' system. aka large pipes but very small buckets(buffer) which means LOTS of bandwidth moving data from one part to another like from the dvd to the cpu. just not much storage space at each part. a computer is just the opposite.

Is that not a bit contradictory? If lots of data is moving from the DVD to the CPU all the time, its expected to work even better on the Pandora then the PS2. Seeing as the Pandora has almost instant file access, and a consistent data transfer rate ( based on the SD card used ).

The main problem for any PS2 emulator, is just the amount of raw horsepower thats need. Now that i think about it, why are there so few xbox emulators?
That's because the XBoX is not a "Console", but it's just a PC with a nice case :P. So, an emulator does make no sense at all! Plus, I don't know how many games were released for XBox and not for PC so dunno how much it might be interesting. As Far As I've Found the only thing that is currently "working" is a wrapper (allows you to convert XBox programs into Win exe)

And for what concerns the XBox 360... Well, that thing has more CPU cores than my laptop, so emulation is a no-no :P
kattle87 said:
That's because the XBoX is not a "Console", but it's just a PC

CPU is PowerPC, proprietary triple-core design from IBM, GPU is also proprietary designed by ATI, with separate chip for AA (and few other GPU functions), RAM is shared, basically no extensibility features. It's a console, really.

EDIT: errr... posted too soon. Of course I meant Xbox 360 :oops:
I know this is an ancient post, but I just have to clarify something...

(UT engine by the way.)
Impossible to become Open Source soon enough maybe, but not impossible to port. UT and Rune were ported to Linux.
It forked off Unreal 1, not Unreal 1.5 (which is what UT used).

As for this, no. Not without a shitton of Reverse-Engineering. Tim Sweeney has said he'd like to opensource UE1 someday, but there'd be some legal issues to sort out (as Digital Extremes also did some code on the engine), and that was several years ago.

(Mind you, I'd love to be able to play this, Unreal, and UT on my Pyra. I'd so, so love it. And no, the Dreamcast port of UT doesn't count.)

(Also, this was a reply to a hell of a bump, which I just contributed to. Derp. But at least I provided some more useful information... maybe?)
I hope that this helps. You might be able to use the development kit to port it.
My analysis of this may be wrong but...

Xbox uses QNX. Halo and the Dashboard software have spoof hard disk lag using random numbers and patterns from your wma ripped music. I spent about ten hours confirming on my modded machine the disk isn't being used, and the tempo of frame rate jerk is from my music collection. And then i isolated the driver quirks of QNX out of operating systems circa 2000. Microsoft is officially listed as a customer of this, so not a conspiracy.

Playstation2 emulation can be sped up massively if you include the rom for the performance analyser by Polyphony. But it dates back to the physics system for Destruction Derby by Psygnosis. Precomputing of causality matrixes? So if i'm not mistaken it was chipified as part of the emotion engine. You should be able to get it within sensible emu spec by dumping that rom segment.
@ashdjones - I don't think the original or any of the following Xbox systems ever used QNX... from everything I've read the original uses a custom NT based OS.
@ashdjones - I don't think the original or any of the following Xbox systems ever used QNX... from everything I've read the original uses a custom NT based OS.

Yeah it was supposed to be win2000 but defintely isn't. The hd lag of 2k is faked in dashboard, doesn't appear in later games = super dev progress. Actually no, it doesn't affect any of the homebrew compiled with XDK dev kit. Technically illegal to use that, don't breath this kids (Blendtec).

So according to lies, QNX was used in Zune. Listed as 'multimedia entertainment device' in partner listing. Doesn't actually state this however.

My guess is amazing homebrew troll. The amount of effort to unlock a full Win2000 on the box was intense. Almost insanity. Lots of devs burnt out and never came back to the scene. Then it was PSP and... Darkalex firmware?