Deus Ex - Invisible War

Akuma no Houkon

Certified Guru
Mar 4, 2004
USA > Washington > Everett
To any who have not played this game, I _HIGHLY_ recommend you do so.

The game is very UNlinear, you have free will, (you can decide whos tasks you want to do, where you want to go, and how to do it), you can pretty much wander anywhere you like, take any course of action in the game, complete the tasks / missions however you decide, there is always many ways to accomplish any task, and everyone of them effects how the game turns out.

The plot is great, multiple factions vying for your help, everyone thinking you are on their side, sometimes their requests will conflict with eachother (one group wants to have someone killed, while another group wants to interogate them, while they want you to protect them, etc...) and its all up to you.

The graphics are nice, the gameplay is flawless, the plot is great, its decent length, and the voice over is nicely done!

Like a good book I couldnt put this game down until it was finished.

(for anyone who played Deus Ex, this game takes place 20 years after the first one ended...many familar characters show up, including the JC and Paul Denton (the two main characters of Deus Ex))
finty101 posted on Apr 11 2004 at 07:23 PM said:
i wish i could but my processer is too crap, my ram and geforce 4 are up to it though!
What I noticed was the mouse sensativty was set WAY too high. When playing it will feel like its going to slow or jumpy because of the mouse, simply set the sensativity lower in the options (almost all the way down), that did it for me. Also decreasing the texture quality and shadows/lighting etc... gives a nice boost in speed and doesnt really make much of a difference in the great graphics.
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If you havent played Deus Ex (the original) I highly suggest you do before playing Invisible War, it will be a much more enjoyable experiance. (you can find Deus Ex for like $9 at gamestores now)

Invisible War was great, I can see a Game of the Year award going to this game soon (just like the first one).

The only thing I didnt like was the small inventory! I hate leaving all sorts of bombs and cool weapons behind because I cant carry them! And since you can add mutliple mods to your weapons, you may end up wanting 2 or 3 of the same weapon but all with different mods on them...oh well, it was still one of the best games I have played in a long time.
From what I've heard, DE:IW is a shoddy sequel that's too short and has an Xbox-designed user interface which explains the single ammo for weapons, lack of inventory slots, etc. I was so disappointed by the reviews that, as of yet, I haven't touched the game.

Deus Ex - now that was a classic. I played as a stealthy character through probably about 30 hours of gameplay (more?) which ranks up there with most RPGs. Entire levels like the sea base that took ages to complete, loaded with hidden spots. I thought China was the end of the game, but then Paris, and the bases after that, it's just impressive.

Not to mention that I could replay the game choosing different story arcs or playing as a rocket-toting death machine next time, it's just so open-ended.

DE:IW faced an almost impossible task living up to its predecessor, so I'm very skeptical.
Rico posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:15 AM said:
From what I've heard, DE:IW is a shoddy sequel that's too short and has an Xbox-designed user interface which explains the single ammo for weapons, lack of inventory slots, etc. I was so disappointed by the reviews that, as of yet, I haven't touched the game.

Deus Ex - now that was a classic. I played as a stealthy character through probably about 30 hours of gameplay (more?) which ranks up there with most RPGs. Entire levels like the sea base that took ages to complete, loaded with hidden spots. I thought China was the end of the game, but then Paris, and the bases after that, it's just impressive.

Not to mention that I could replay the game choosing different story arcs or playing as a rocket-toting death machine next time, it's just so open-ended.

DE:IW faced an almost impossible task living up to its predecessor, so I'm very skeptical.
Shoddy? Not in the least bit, its a GREAT game. Short? Well I am good at these kind of games and it took a little over 9 hours of nonstop play, if I was your average user I probably would get a good 20+, and I didnt even finish all the missions, so it might be a tad short but the storyline and gameplay are just so great its worth it. The UI is nice, the single ammo doesnt make much of a difference, the inventory slots are like 5 more than the original so you cant really complain (although I still do lol!)

Although the original is still much more difficult then Invisible War, its a great sequel.
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Axeman posted on Apr 11 2004 at 07:43 PM said:
I'm gonna borrow the Xbox version of me mate soon.

Looking forward to it :D
I played the demo version on the Xbox and it's fantastic. When It comes down in price I'll snap it up. :)


After trying the demo I rushed out and brought the original Deus Ex on the PC, which is on budget now, and that's also superb (and only £5!!).
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Well 9 hours is a lot less than 30, and most reviewers seem to be doing that much.

Other things that worry me are the removal of skills, combining of lockpicks and multitools and the lack of headshots, but I hear a patch corrects the latter.
Rico posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:10 PM said:
Well 9 hours is a lot less than 30, and most reviewers seem to be doing that much.

Other things that worry me are the removal of skills, combining of lockpicks and multitools and the lack of headshots, but I hear a patch corrects the latter.
It has been "dumbed down" a bit in the skill department.

As for 30 hours, I think I got maybe 15ish in Deus Ex (the original) so compare 9 to 15 not 9 to 30. (I will play it again to see because its been so long)

I need to figureout how to turn off this damn windows popup that happens when you hold a key for more than 5 seconds (the sticky key dialog) because the original Deus Ex doesnt toggle Crouching, you have to hold the button (probably the only thing I realy didnt like about the original) when I hold the button for more than 5 seconds, windows starts beeping like mad.
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frolik posted on Apr 12 2004 at 07:47 PM said:
I need to figureout how to turn off this damn windows popup
In case you couldn't find it: control panel -> accessibility options -> stickykeys

bloody annoying noise it makes too!

That just enables or disables stickykeys, it doesnt stop windows from asking if you want to enable it you every time you hold a button for longer than 5 seconds. :(

However, I found the option in the Deus Ex controls to enabled Crouch toggle (cant see how I missed that), that solves that problem :)
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I think when you press it and it pops up, there's a checkbox saying something to the effect of 'Never ask me again, dammit!'

As for Deus Ex, my 30 may have been exaggerated. I played up to the last bit of China (going back into that tech building) and stopped, then picked it up again a year later! (Not sure why I stopped, think I just forgot about it) But all I know is everything from after China kept me playing for a fortnight full of evenings, so I estimated 30.
Rico posted on Apr 13 2004 at 08:15 PM said:
I think when you press it and it pops up, there's a checkbox saying something to the effect of 'Never ask me again, dammit!'

As for Deus Ex, my 30 may have been exaggerated. I played up to the last bit of China (going back into that tech building) and stopped, then picked it up again a year later! (Not sure why I stopped, think I just forgot about it) But all I know is everything from after China kept me playing for a fortnight full of evenings, so I estimated 30.
No, there is no checkbox, I have looked every single time it pops up. I have never found a way to disable this dialog from poping up.

As for your 30 hours, you might be factoring in total play time including all the times you died, not the actualy game time. I probably spent about 20 hours on Deus Ex - Invisible War because I tend to rush into things and get my ass blown to peices. :) (plus I have a 5 year old that loves to pester me).

And Dues Ex (the original) is so much more difficult than the 2nd one. Lots of tricks and traps, bombs on walls that you dont see until its too late, etc...

But the 2nd one was a great follow up, finishing up the story that Deus Ex started.
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Yeah, the DE ending was fairly weak, so a sequel is obvious. The fact that they combine all three endings so that all happened is almost enticing enough to make me play it :)

As for dying a lot, I quick saved like hell. I think at the end I checked, and found that I'd racked up over 1500 quick saves ... I was doing it habitually ;) Good for experiments, but probably takes the fun out of the game. For things without saves like NetHack I often find it more enjoyable*

*I know you can save by copying the save file mid-way through the game, but it's cheating ;)
Deus ex 2 was a terrible sequel in my opinion. It took away many of the details and factors which Deus Ex was good and removing the skill tree and adding universal ammo made the game too simple. The game also ran very badly on all the machines i tried it on.
Klown posted on Apr 14 2004 at 09:21 AM said:
Deus ex 2 was a terrible sequel in my opinion. It took away many of the details and factors which Deus Ex was good and removing the skill tree and adding universal ammo made the game too simple. The game also ran very badly on all the machines i tried it on.

The problem, which makes people think it runs like crap, is the mouse sensativity is set WAY to high, so the screen jumps back and forth (the very same thing that happens when you have a low framerate). If you set the mouse sensitivity down to a respectable level (basically almost all the way down) then it runs like a dream. Much better than 80% of the new games that are coming out.

And optionally you can set the visuals to lower settings and it really, honestly, doesnt make a noticable difference in quality but sure as hell makes it faster.
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