GP2X Determing F200, Mk2 And Mk1

Ask the user how much they complain about their GP2X. If they say a lot then it's a F200, a little bit = MK2, and a fair bit = MK1 ;)

Other than that I don't think anyone found a reasonable way to tell the difference between a MK1 and MK2 in code. I'd imagine the F200 should be easier to detect because of different hardware like the touchscreen.
KungPhoo said:
Is there any reliable way to check what hardware my program runs on?
Iorgy77 said:
mkI has english writing on the sticker on the back, mkII ha Korean writing on the same sticker. f200 is white.
and how do you do that in code exactly? :rolleyes:
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Didn't say in code.

The most reliable way is to run it on the hardware :)

In code you shouldn't really need to tell a MK1 and MK2 apart and the F-200 can be detected by the presence of the touch pad device
Squidge said:
Iorgy77 said:
mkI has english writing on the sticker on the back, mkII ha Korean writing on the same sticker. f200 is white.
and how do you do that in code exactly? :rolleyes:

I guess you must do it in unicode... :p
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Parkydr said:
Didn't say in code.
It seemed that it was inferred.

I suppose you could detect MK1/MK2 by asking the user to do some diagonals and see what comes back :D
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All I know is, that Alexkidd2x V0.6 has a working build in detection for the F-200. So Puck2099 is perhaps the guy who knows more.

BTW: Is it really necessary to make jokes or complain about the alleged flaws of the GP2x in every thread, even in the Developers Corner? This gets really kind of annoying...
